Repository Research - bounswe/bounswe2022group7 GitHub Wiki

This page includes nice GitHub repositories we have found. We provide a link and explain why we liked the repository.

Plotly (Cahid Arda Öz)

Plotly allows data scientists to draw interactive graphs and makes visualising data easier.

  • A great tool overall.
  • Readme has quick explanations for installation and usage.
  • Format of the release descrtiptions are simple and effective.

react-native (Cahid Arda Öz)

React Native is a front-end framework maintained by Meta.

  • Wiki page is very informative about the ways of contributing.
  • Issue tags are very descriptive. They summarize the issues very nicely.

multipass (Güney İzol)

Multipass is a virtual machine manager developed by Canonical that lets you run Ubuntu VMs from the command line on your local machine in a very short amount of time. It is a very handy tool for trying VMs in cloud development tasks.

  • The repository explains how to use the software in a very clear way.
  • Bug issues are well structured to understand the problem and to help reproduce it.

VS Code (Atilla Türkmen)

Visual Studio Code is a lightweight code editor by Microsoft.

  • There are many issue tags. These tags are useful when categorizing issues.
  • Wiki page is comprehensive and well written.

freeCodeCamp (Aziza Mankenova) is one of the most popular repositories on GitHub. As the name suggests it is a community that allows you to learn coding on your own for free. It is quite a useful platform with high demand.

  • The repository is well-documented. The README file is very concise and well-structured, including all the necessary information, like certifications, reporting bugs, contribution, license.
  • It provides free certifications(currently has 10 core certifications)
  • In addition to the website, it has a forum, YouTube channel, technical publication, and chat server.
  • It includes numerous interactive coding challenges
  • The issue tags are well-customized and descriptive. That is why the tags are used frequently in the issues.
  • However, it does not have a wiki page that could have been included.

VS Code (Aziza Mankenova)

Visual Studio Code(VS Code) is an open-source code editor developed by Microsoft. VS Code supports macOS, Linux, and Windows. Being one of the most popular code editors, it supports hundreds of languages. It has such features as syntax highlighting, auto-indentation, bracket matching, and many others that make coding easier.

  • The file is concise as it contains necessary information about contribution, feedback, bundled extensions, license, and others. Also, to have a compact file there are hyperlinks to wiki pages that contain more detailed information.
  • The Wiki page is well-written, having a sidebar to easily navigate among different wiki pages.
  • There are quite a lot of issue tags that are well-customized. It enables an easier understanding of the issues' nature. However, due to an excess of issue tags, it is probably hard to find the most suitable ones. That is probably the reason why some of the issues do not have any tags.

OpenZeppelin (Can Atakan Uğur)

A popular library for smart contract development. It includes implementations for ERC-20 and ERC-721 token standards.

  • README file is comprehensive. Installation, usage, and examples are included
  • Some explanations about security, bug bounty program and audits are added in README
  • Issues are not that well-organized, labels could be improved.
  • There are some reports published in the "Security Advisories" tab.
  • In general, since security is a key factor especially in smart contract development, it is possible to find many elements about the security of this library.

Coffeebuddy (Demet Yayla)

An application for searching coffee buddy to meet with new people.

  • README file has good headers and the ones that contains information below are well prepared but some headers lack information beneath.
  • Contains a thorough technology an app requires including how to run and how to install requirements. It even contains test cases imitating a profile nicely with info close to real life.
  • It contains design data too, with screen .jpg files.
  • Doesn't have a wiki page.
  • Uses many languages which makes me feel like she tried to use the most appropriate language for each seperate task.

barnum (Musa Şimşek)

A Python software that can create pseudo-random objects so that the application can be tested by random testcases.

  • The attributes of the generated objects are realistic, which makes debugging easier.
  • The source is divided into small pieces wisely; additions, changes etc can be done easily.
  • README file describes introduction stage very well.
  • Doesn't have a wiki page.

FastEndpoints (Musa Şimşek)

A REST API framework prepared for ASP.NET 6.

  • Uses the new technology (REPR).
  • Performance tests give better results comparing to MVC. It has a modified and improved version of Minimal API concept.
  • It has a really nice documentation page.
  • Does not have a wiki page.

OpenCV (Erim Erkin Doğan)

OpenCV is an open source library for computer vision and machine learning that contains 2500+ optimized algorithms. OpenCV is backed by corporations like Intel, Microsoft Azure, Google, Huawei via memberships.

  • It is well documented with in its wiki page and documentation site.
  • It has a very active community with a forum.
  • It can be used to develop real-time applications that performs identifications of objects, faces or classification of human actions.
  • It is cross platform supporting Windows, Linux, Android and MacOS.
  • Has interfaces for MATLAB, C++, Java, and Python.

awesome (Erim Erkin Doğan)

awesome is a repository that hosts a curated list of links or documentations for frameworks, languages, OS specific curated repositories etc. in its README.

  • Can be very useful when searching for sources or curated lists for specific tools, frameworks, languages.
  • Issue usage is subpar with nearly no label usage
  • Doesn't have a wiki page

GOlang (Hasan Bingolbali)

Golang is an open source programming language that makes it easy to build simple, reliable, and efficient software.

  • It is mainly used for large and complex programs where you should process 10000 request per second.
  • It shines above the other programming languages due to built-in concurrency support

Tensorflow (Mehmet Emin İpekdal)

Tensorflow is an open source software library which helps making graph-based computations faster.

  • It is used for both research and production at Google.
  • It is a math library used in machine learning and neural networks.