My part for milestone report - bounswe/bounswe2022group7 GitHub Wiki

Demet Yayla

Milestone 1:

Work Link
I created the initial entity classes for backend #256
I created the initial endpoints which are related to items that will appear in homepage #287
I wrote the endpoint that will return a single event with the id provided by frontend. #301
I fixed a database integration error. #295
I searched on Spring Boot annotations for different kinds of database relations. #310
I searched on fixing spring annotation for manytomany #309
I did a research on how to write integration tests for secured restful methods. #358
Reviewed issues. #302, #345
Review and update class diagram with Can Atakan Uğur #239
Review and update Project Plan with team leaders and Can Atakan Uğur #241
Update communication plan. #244
Review and update sequence diagram for Discussion forum. #245
After the first backend meeting, update class diagram and requirements #250
Update the sequence diagram for discussion forum related to the latest modification on class diagram #312
I was the notetaker for 2 backend meetings. We did three backend, three general team meetings so far and I attended them all.
Revision of this issue about deliverables #329
Solving pop-up premilestone requests. #347
Gave feedback on this issue related to milestone presentations on Tuesday. #353
I was one of the notetakers in milestone presentations.
I wrote individual milestone report.
I wrote parts of milestone group review (wrote some of part 3 and my own sections in part 6 and 7.) #370

Milestone 2:

Task Link
Create-delete events & art items #394
Author field missing fix and DTO addition. #420
Endpoint for update and view profile settings. #437
Endpoint to follow user. #447
Converting a string to list of strings. #450
Art item creator error bug fix. #457
Change structure for upvote downvote. #467
Attempt to write tests. #358
Review of the issues. #453, #455, #457, #388, #438, #372
Reviewer of PRs #440, #345
Owner of the PRs #428, #436, #448, #456, #468, #477
Form sample data to showcase in milestone presentation. #496
Discussion on scenarios for milestone presentation. #497
Tracking requirement progress for milestone report. #515
Notetaker The meeting note
Writing part three of group review for milestone 1. #370
One of the notetakers for milestone 2 presentations.

Milestone 3:

Work Link
Implemented Search feature #547
Reviewed issues #554, #555,#558
Reviewed PRs #556,#561,#540
Helped with user scenarios for milestone presentation #607
Sample data formation for the application.
Wrote "Process According to Requirements" part for final report
Reviewed "Executive summary" part for final report.

Demet Yayla


I am Demet Yayla and am a member of group 7. I am in backend team and the leader of the backend team.


  • I provide the database communication with user, acting in behalf of the application in a nutshell providing domain specific functionalities. I created repositories, entity classes, data transfer objects, endpoints, configurations. I worked on testing. I also helped mainly with the formation of sample data for milestones.

Main Contribution:

Code related issues:

Management related issues:

Unit tests:

  • I tried writing integration tests before a lot. I couldn’t manage to run them, they always gave error. Then with the initial examples done by my backend team mates for unit testing, I tried to implement one that was not running in happy path but the tests didn’t give the response I expected it to give. The commit can be found in the deleted branch with name: dev/backend/tests . I gave up writing unit tests after my failure on this. I did reviews on unit tests though, can be found on the review PRs and issues I mention here.

Additional Information:

  • For the last milestone I mostly worked on search. I implemented two different solutions, one I cut in half since I thought it would not be efficient with our given limited resources and started seeking smarter ways. I researched what kinds of other approaches existed that weren’t necessarily complicated. I finally decided on using full text indexing on our MySql database. I spent also a lot of time trying to automatize auto-index queries when application run for the first time and creating a db afresh. I almost managed to implement it but CICD tests exploded and I had to revert them, just providing the necessary indexing queries to be run manually if we drop the database and need to recreate it afresh.