Meeting Notes #8 - bounswe/bounswe2022group7 GitHub Wiki

Meeting Information

Date: 10/04/2022
Time: 13:00
Online/Offline: Online
Location: Zoom
Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
Note Taker: Demet Yayla


  • Cahid Arda Öz
  • Demet Yayla
  • Ali Can Milani
  • Musa Şimşek
  • Erim Erkin Doğan
  • Mehmet Emin İpekdal
  • Güney İzol
  • Aziza Mankenova
  • Rafet Oğuz Pançuk
  • Atilla Türkmen
  • Can Atakan Uğur
  • Hasan Bingölbali


  • Review the TA feedback from the last PS
  • Identify the sequence diagrams that need to be created
  • Discussing how much the software design documents cover the project and whether there are any conflicts.
  • Plan out the steps to be taken after the sequence diagrams are created


  • Talked about the feedback from the last meeting.
  • Need to make sure deliverables fit in.
  • Searching feature for use case diagrams are missing. Also use cases should be organized more according to PS feedback.
  • Will create RAM first, then the items will be copied to project plan.
  • Projects section can be useful. Reviewed one from past years.
  • Reviewed project libre

Action Items

Item Responsible Person Due Date
Prepare meeting #8 report Demet Yayla, Cahid Arda Öz 10-05-2022, 17.00
Create “create physical event” sequence diagram, update requirements and other two diagrams if need be Erim Erkin Doğan, Aziza Mankenova(reviewer) 12-05-2022, 17.00
Create “editing profile” sequence diagram, update requirements and other two diagrams if need be Aziza Mankenova, Ali Can Milani(reviewer) 12-05-2022, 17.00
Create “adding art items” sequence diagram, update requirements and other two diagrams if need be Ali Can Milani, Musa Şimşek(reviewer) 12-05-2022, 17.00
Create “bidding” sequence diagram, update requirements and other two diagrams if need be Demet Yayla,Can Can Atakan Uğur(reviewer) 12-05-2022, 17.00
Create “copyright handling” sequence diagram, update requirements and other two diagrams if need be Cahid Arda Öz, Oğuz Pançuk(reviewer) 12-05-2022, 17.00
Create “copyright reporting” sequence diagram, update requirements and other two diagrams if need be Mehmet Emin İpekdal, Erim Erkin Doğan(reviewer) 12-05-2022, 17.00
Create “writing a comment” sequence diagram, update requirements and o ther two diagrams if need be Güney İzol, Atilla Türkmen (reviewer) 12-05-2022, 17.00
Create “annotation” sequence diagram, update requirements and other two diagrams if need be Can Atakan Uğur, Demet Yayla(reviewer) 12-05-2022, 17.00
Create “attend event” sequence diagram, update requirements and other two diagrams if need be Musa Şimşek, Güney İzol(reviewer) 12-05-2022, 17.00
Create “reply to thread” sequence diagram, update requirements and other two diagrams if need be Hasan Bingölbali, Mehmet Emin İpekdal(reviewer) 12-05-2022, 17.00
Create “search and filter” sequence diagram, update requirements and other two diagrams if need be Oğuz Pançuk,Cahid Arda Öz(reviewer) 12-05-2022, 17.00
Create “getting verified” sequence diagram, update requirements and other two diagrams if need be Atilla Türkmen, Hasan Bingölbali(reviewer) 12-05-2022, 17.00
Update acceptance criteria of scenario 2 Cahid Arda Öz, Ali Can Milani 12-05-2022, 17.00
Update mockups according to TA's feedback Erim Erkin Doğan, Mehmet Emin İpekdal, Musa Şimşek 12-05-2022, 17.00
Create two documents on Google Drive. One for RAM and one for Project Planning Cahid Arda Öz 10-05-2022, 17.00
Upload the last use case, class diagrams to the Wiki Cahid Arda Öz 11-05-2022, 17.00
Add the items covering until the end of this week to the RAM sheet Can Atakan Uğur, Aziza Mankenova, Mehmet Emin İpekdal 12-05-2022, 17.00
Add the items from the end of this week until the end of this semester to the RAM sheet Ali Can Milani, Oğuz Pançuk, Musa Şimşek, Güney İzol 12-05-2022, 17.00
Add the items of the next semester to the RAM sheet Hasan Bingölbali, Demet Yayla, Erim Erkin Doğan, Atilla Türkmen, Cahid Arda Öz 12-05-2022, 17.00
Assigning annotation node as an interface and connecting them to necessary nodes in Use Case Diagram Can Atakan Uğur, Demet Yayla 12-05-2022, 17.00
Fill the detailed information such as duration, reviewer etc. not filled in RAM Everyone 12-05-2022, 23:00
Combining use cases containing similar features Musa Şimşek 12-05-2022, 17.00

TODO For The Next Meeting:

  • Class diagram review
  • Update annotations in Requirements and Class Diagram
  • Add the functions for events to RegisteredUser class