Meeting Notes #7 - bounswe/bounswe2022group7 GitHub Wiki

Meeting Information

Date: 2022-04-05
Time: 21:00
Online/Offline: Online
Location: Zoom
Duration: 2 hours
Note Taker: Güney İzol


  • Cahid Arda Öz
  • Demet Yayla
  • Ali Can Milani
  • Musa Şimşek
  • Erim Erkin Doğan
  • Mehmet Emin İpekdal
  • Güney İzol
  • Aziza Mankenova
  • Rafet Oğuz Pançuk
  • Atilla Türkmen
  • Can Atakan Uğur
  • Hasan Bingölbali


  • Reviewing the diagrams
  • Making modifications to the existing items on the diagrams
  • Adding new items to the diagrams if necessary


  • Reviewed the use case diagram.
    • Added Delete Account use case.
    • Corrected some arrows between items.
    • Corrected wording related to exhibitions, galleries, comments, and posts.
  • Reviewed the class diagram.
    • Added Ordering class.
    • Reviewed and modified the classes related to the search and filtering functionality.
    • Added Location class.

Action Items

Item Responsible Person Due Date
Put Registered User and Location classes at the center of the class diagram Güney İzol 2022-04-15
Add Notification Engine class to the class diagram Mehmet Emin İpekdal & Atilla Türkmen 2022-04-15
Add Recommendation Class Erim Erkin Doğan 2022-04-15
Add "Edit Event" use case to the use case diagram Erim Erkin Doğan 2022-04-15
Add HomePage class to the class diagram Güney İzol & Demet Yayla 2022-04-15
Create sequence diagrams Every team member will create a sequence diagram related to the classes they created for the class diagrams 2022-04-15
Resolve and finalize the fields and methods in the classes which are labeled by red font Everyone whose classes have fields and methods which are labeled by red color 2022-04-15


Since the deadline of the assignment is extended to April 15, we concluded our meeting after deciding on the action items without finalizing our design work.

We plan to meet again in the upcoming days before the deadline. The date and time has not been decided yet. In the meantime, everyone will work on their tasks in their own schedule.