Meeting Notes #4 - bounswe/bounswe2022group7 GitHub Wiki

Meeting Information

Date: 30/03/2022
Time: 21:30
Online/Offline: Online
Location: Zoom
Duration: 50 minutes
Note Taker: Can Atakan Uğur


  • Cahid Arda Öz
  • Demet Yayla
  • Ali Can Milani
  • Musa Şimşek
  • Erim Erkin Doğan
  • Mehmet Emin İpekdal
  • Güney İzol
  • Aziza Mankenova
  • Rafet Oğuz Pançuk
  • Atilla Türkmen
  • Can Atakan Uğur
  • Hasan Bingölbali


  • Discuss about how we should proceed with dividing the work from now on
  • Decide whether we should have extra review meetings
  • Divide the work for finalizing the requirements
  • Update the acceptance criteria for the scenarios
  • Update the mock-ups
  • Decide on the platform that we will use for the diagrams
  • Make a plan about how we will start working on the diagrams
  • Discuss about the date and the time for our extra meeting this week


  • After a discussion in PS today, we decided to divide the work in such a way that each member can contribute actively to the every aspect of a task.
  • Therefore, we decided everyone to update a part of the requirements according to a question in the customer meeting.
  • There were 9 questions that we mostly talked about in the customer meeting, so we concluded that the requirements shall be altered according to these answers. The questions and the responses can be found in the report.
  • In addition to 9 questions, one should format the requirements file (adding the links, correcting the English and saying, etc.), one should complete the glossary part and one person should update the acceptance criteria in the scenarios yielding 12 different tasks. Cahid Arda Öz wanted to work on the acceptance criteria in the scenarios. All the other assignees are determined alphabetically by Can Atakan Uğur.
  • Since the mock-ups should also be updated after the new requirements and according to the feedback by the TA, it was decided that people who created the mock-ups shall update them also. People who worked on the relevant scenarios can be the reviewers for the change.
  • We decided to use Lucidchart for preparing the diagrams. Cahid Arda Öz is assigned for registering in the platform and creating the document that we will work on so that we can start working on it collaboratively before our next meeting.
  • It was decided that we should finish our tasks by Friday 20:00, which is the date and time of our next meeting in which we will focus on the use case diagram.

Action Items

Item Responsible Person Due Date
Format the Requirements document by arranging the Table of Contents and enhancing the language of the document Ali Can Milani, Cahid Arda Öz (reviewer) 01/04/2022, 19:59
Complete the Glossary part in the Requirements document Atilla Türkmen, Rafet Oğuz Pançuk (reviewer) 01/04/2022, 19:59
Update the requirement elements related to the customer's answer for Q1 Aziza Mankenova, Musa Şimşek (reviewer) 01/04/2022, 19:59
Update the requirement elements related to the customer's answer for Q2 Can Atakan Uğur, Mehmet Emin İpekdal (reviewer) 01/04/2022, 19:59
Update the requirement elements related to the customer's answer for Q3 Demet Yayla, Hasan Bingölbali (reviewer) 01/04/2022, 19:59
Update the requirement elements related to the customer's answer for Q4 Erim Erkin Doğan, Güney İzol (reviewer) 01/04/2022, 19:59
Update the requirement elements related to the customer's answer for Q5 Güney İzol, Ali Can Milani (reviewer) 01/04/2022, 19:59
Update the requirement elements related to the customer's answer for Q6 Hasan Bingölbali, Atilla Türkmen (reviewer) 01/04/2022, 19:59
Update the requirement elements related to the customer's answer for Q7 Mehmet Emin İpekdal, Aziza Mankenova (reviewer) 01/04/2022, 19:59
Update the requirement elements related to the customer's answer for Q8 Musa Şimşek, Can Atakan Uğur (reviewer) 01/04/2022, 19:59
Update the requirement elements related to the customer's answer for Q9 Rafet Oğuz Pançuk, Demet Yayla (reviewer) 01/04/2022, 19:59
Update the acceptance criteria part in the scenarios according to the new Requirements Cahid Arda Öz, Erim Erkin Doğan (reviewer) 01/04/2022, 19:59
Update the mock-ups, according to the TA's feedback and the updated Requirements Erim Erkin Doğan, Musa Şimşek, Mehmet Emin İpekdal* 01/04/2022, 19:59
Register on Lucidchart and create the collaborative document for the diagrams Cahid Arda Öz 01/04/2022, 19:59

*The updated mock-ups shall be reviewed by the members who worked on the relevant scenario.

Additional Notes

  • The next meeting is scheduled at 01/04/2022, 20:00 i.e. on this Friday. Everyone is expected to complete their task before the extra meeting.
  • In the next meeting, we will finalize the Requirements and plan how to proceed with the Use Case Diagram.
  • Please document your work in your personal issues while working on the requirements so that the reviewer can easily monitor your alterations.