Meeting Notes #2 - bounswe/bounswe2022group7 GitHub Wiki

Meeting Information

Date: 09/03/2022
Time: 20:00
Online/Offline: Online
Location: Zoom
Duration: 50 minutes
Note Taker: Cahid Arda Öz


  • Cahid Arda Öz
  • Demet Yayla
  • Ali Can Milani
  • Musa Şimşek
  • Erim Erkin Doğan
  • Mehmet Emin İpekdal
  • Güney İzol
  • Aziza Mankenova
  • Rafet Oğuz Pançuk
  • Atilla Türkmen
  • Can Atakan Uğur
  • Hasan Bingölbali


  • Discuss whether we should have a separate page for time tracking
  • Review project description
  • Review past assignments and reports for the second week
  • Discuss the subtitles of functional requirements
  • Distribute the responsibility of the subtitles


  • We voted whether we should transfer our time tracking information to another page. Majority voted to transfer the information to a new page. An issue is assigned to Aziza Mankenova to create a template. All members will then transfer their information to this new page.
  • Talked about the requirements pages from the past years. Reviewed the second week assignment description and the report from the past years for the second week.
  • It was decided that assigning a few people to the non-functional requirements will be enough. Functional requirements require more effort. Requirements may include items about the following topics: Sign up, sign in and search requirements, social interaction and communication requirements, copyrights, verified tag. All members will think about more items and add it to a Google Drive document which will be created by Can Atakan Uğur.
  • We reviewed a website similar to our project.
  • Group members will start communicating more on slack.

Action Items

Item Responsible Person Due Date
Create a template for the time tracking Aziza Mankenova 11/03/2022, 23:59
Create a document on Google Drive for sharing requirement ideas Can Atakan Uğur 11/03/2022, 23:59
Review the project description and add possible requirement items to a document on drive Everyone 11/03/2022, 23:59
Thinking about questions to ask in a possible customer meeting Everyone 11/03/2022, 23:59
Transfer the time tracking information to the new page Everyone 14/03/2022, 23:59
Create the non-functional requirements section Cahid Arda Öz, Mehmet Emin İpekdal and Aziza Mankenova 14/03/2022, 23:59
Create the system requirements section Hasan Bingölbali, Musa Şimşek and Demet Yayla 14/03/2022, 23:59
Create the sign up, sign in and search requirements section Can Atakan Uğur 14/03/2022, 23:59