Meeting Notes #10 - bounswe/bounswe2022group7 GitHub Wiki

Meeting Information

Date: 24/04/2022
Time: 17:00
Online/Offline: Online
Location: Zoom
Duration: 1 hour
Note Taker: Can Atakan Uğur


  • Cahid Arda Öz
  • Demet Yayla
  • Ali Can Milani
  • Musa Şimşek
  • Erim Erkin Doğan
  • Mehmet Emin İpekdal
  • Güney İzol
  • Aziza Mankenova
  • Rafet Oğuz Pançuk
  • Atilla Türkmen
  • Can Atakan Uğur
  • Hasan Bingölbali


  • Discuss about the "Project" and "Milestone" features in Github
  • Go over the project description
  • Plan the research required for the assignment
  • Decide on which frameworks/tools to use for the implementation
  • Discuss about the new communicator


  • About using the extra features in Github:
    • We said that the "To-Do" feature might be beneficial for our project management; however, it was not possible to use the features specifically for our repository.
    • We then discussed about using Trello but we thought that it would be harder to use an additional platform.
    • In conclusion, it was decided that we do not need the "Project" and "Milestone" features.
    • We also said that we can use issue templates after communicating with the TA.
    • Also, from now on, we decided to add the relevant issues about each action item in the meeting notes.
  • We examined the project description. We saw that we need to rename the practice_app folder as practice-app.
  • We saw that there are different topics to make research on. We decided to get divided into groups to make research on those.
  • We decided to use Python and Flask for back-end whereas we concluded that we might use ReactJS for front-end.
  • Cahid Arda Öz is chosen as the new communicator.

Action Items

Item Responsible Person Due Date Relevant Issue
Rename the practice_app folder as practice-app Cahid Arda Öz 28/04/2022, 21:00 -
Make research about the review process and pull requests on Github and document it Ali Can Milani 28/04/2022, 21:00 #144
Make research about Flask framework and document it Atilla Türkmen, Erim Erkin Doğan 28/04/2022, 21:00 #143
Make research about the tools/frameworks that we will use for front-end (possibly ReactJS) and document it Güney İzol, Hasan Bingölbali 28/04/2022, 21:00
Make research about unit testing and document it Demet Yayla, Mehmet Emin İpekdal 28/04/2022, 21:00
Make research about dockerization and document it Can Atakan Uğur, Musa Şimşek 28/04/2022, 21:00 #140
Make research about AWS and deployment and document it Cahid Arda Öz, Rafet Oğuz Pançuk 28/04/2022, 21:00 #142
Make research about testing API/RESTClient and using Postman and document it Aziza Mankenova 28/04/2022, 21:00 #141
Communicate with the TA about the situation about the change in the group communicator Cahid Arda Öz 28/04/2022, 21:00 -


  • The research tasks are divided among the team, mostly randomly.
  • A new column named "Relevant Issue" is added to the Action Item table.
  • It was decided that we can meet again on Thursday.