MOBILE Meeting Notes #5 - bounswe/bounswe2022group7 GitHub Wiki

Meeting Information

Date: 16/11/2022
Time: 21:00
Online/Offline: Online
Location: Discord
Duration: 20 minutes
Note Taker: Atilla Türkmen


  • Ali Can Milani
  • Musa Şimşek
  • Atilla Türkmen
  • Can Atakan Uğur


  • Divide the tasks we talked about in the general meeting among the team members
  • Decide on a deadline for the ongoing tasks
  • Discuss about the Annotations functionality and the ongoing research on it
  • Discuss about the Geotagging functionality


  • We decided that everybody should update the page they implemented for the new image format.
  • We decided that there should be a settings page reachable from profile page.
  • We defined deadlines for the ongoing tasks.
  • We discussed about how to use JSON-LD format for our annotation functionality.

Action Items

Item Responsible Person Due Date
Removing optional fields from signup page Musa (Reviewer: Atakan) 18/11/2022, 23:59
Finishing the profile page Musa (Reviewer: Alican) 21/11/2022, 23:59
Change image widgets in view art item page Atilla (Reviewer: Musa) 21/11/2022, 23:59
Adding geotagging functionality to create event page and view event page Atilla (Reviewer: Atakan) 21/11/2022, 23:59
Implementing network functionality for create art item page Atilla (Reviewer: Alican) 21/11/2022, 23:59
Change image widgets in home page Atakan (Reviewer: Atilla) 21/11/2022, 23:59
Implementing settings in profile page Atakan (Reviewer: Musa) 21/11/2022, 23:59
Change image widgets in view event page Alican (Reviewer: Atakan) 21/11/2022, 23:59
Implementing follow functionality Alican (Reviewer: Atilla) 21/11/2022, 23:59
Implementing network functionality for create event page Alican (Reviewer: Musa) 21/11/2022, 23:59