MOBILE Meeting Notes #4 - bounswe/bounswe2022group7 GitHub Wiki

Meeting Information

Date: 14/11/2022
Time: 21:00
Online/Offline: Online
Location: Discord
Duration: 45 minutes
Note Taker: Can Atakan Uğur


  • Ali Can Milani
  • Musa Şimşek
  • Atilla Türkmen
  • Can Atakan Uğur


  • Review the progress on the tasks that we assigned via our communication channel
  • Decide on a strict deadline for the ongoing tasks
  • Check the development on the back-end side to proceed with the network implementations
  • Discuss about the Annotations functionality and the ongoing research on it
  • Discuss about the Geotagging functionality


  • We saw that some of the tasks we decided to complete this week were not started yet. We reminded that these tasks were pending and the assignees told that they may be able to deliver it before the start of the next week. As soon as possible, otherwise.
  • We decided that we should write the assignments down to this report in order to track them better.
  • We defined deadlines for the ongoing tasks.
  • We decided to postpone the tasks on the network as the back-end team could not complete their part. Waiting for them is a better idea as we will need to update everything, otherwise.
  • We decided to make a more comprehensive research on Annotations. Atilla has already made some research but apparently, we need a detailed work as there are only limited resources.
  • We decided that everyone may started to have a look on the Geotagging functionality.

Action Items

Item Responsible Person Due Date Remarks
Fix the bug in the Event Page widget test Can Atakan Uğur (Reviewer: Atilla Türkmen) 15/11/2022, 15:00 #405
Remove the additional information fields in the Register Page Musa Şimşek (Reviewer: Can Atakan Uğur) 15/11/2022, 23:59
Prepare Art Item creation UI Atilla Türkmen (Reviewer: Ali Can Milani) 15/11/2022, 23:59 #403
Prepare Event creation UI Ali Can Milani (Reviewer: Atilla Türkmen) 15/11/2022, 23:59 #397
Update Post model in order to provide a better Home Page Can Atakan Uğur (Reviewer: Musa Şimşek) 15/11/2022, 23:59
Make research on the implementation of the Annotation functionality Everyone 15/11/2022, 15:00
Make research on the implementation of the Geotagging functionality Everyone 18/11/2022, 15:00
Handling network connections for Art Item Creation Page Can Atakan Uğur (Reviewer: Musa Şimşek) - This task is suspended until the back-end team completes the development in the relevant endpoints. Afterwards, it should be completed ASAP.
Handling network connections for Event Creation Page Ali Can Milani (Reviewer: Atilla Türkmen) - This task is suspended until the back-end team completes the development in the relevant endpoints. Afterwards, it should be completed ASAP.