MOBILE Meeting Notes #3 - bounswe/bounswe2022group7 GitHub Wiki

Meeting Information

Date: 27/10/2022
Time: 20:30
Online/Offline: Online
Location: Discord
Duration: 45 minutes
Note Taker: Ali Can Milani


  • Ali Can Milani
  • Musa Şimşek
  • Atilla Türkmen
  • Can Atakan Uğur


  • Discuss about how to implement and present Home, Art Item and Event pages
  • Review the ready end points and Decide how and who will connect them


  • We decided that app should start at the home page as a guest user.
  • We decided that art items and events sould have like buttons and comment boxes even if the end points are not ready.
  • We decided that listed items at the home page should redirect to their own items page.
  • We decided that before a log out, pop up shold appear to confirmn that the user wants to log out.

Action Items

Item Responsible Person Due Date Relevant Issue
Prepare Home Page end point connection Ali Can Milani, (Reviewer Can Atakan Uğur) 29/10/2022, 23:59 #351
Prepare LogIn and LogOut end point connection Musa Şimşek, (Reviewer Atilla Türkmen) 29/10/2022, 23:59
Prepare Register end point connection Atilla Türkmen, (Reviewer Ali Can Milani) 29/10/2022, 23:59 #318
Prepare Log Out PopUp Atilla Türkmen, (Reviewer Ali Can Milani) 29/10/2022, 23:59 #321
Prepare Event Page end point connection Can Atakan Uğur, (Reviewer Musa Şimşek) 29/10/2022, 23:59 #330
Prepare Art Item Page end point connection Can Atakan Uğur, (Reviewer Musa Şimşek) 29/10/2022, 23:59