MOBILE Meeting Notes #2 - bounswe/bounswe2022group7 GitHub Wiki

Meeting Information

Date: 24/10/2022
Time: 18:00
Online/Offline: Online
Location: Discord
Duration: 40 minutes
Note Taker: Can Atakan Uğur

Attendees (Mobile Team)

  • Ali Can Milani
  • Musa Şimşek
  • Atilla Türkmen (Lead)
  • Can Atakan Uğur


  • Review the progress in the separate branches
  • Discuss about the development in Login and Register pages, in order to follow a standard
  • Make a plan as to how we will merge everything in the android branch before the general team meeting


  • We talked about our situation in the development. Everybody was able to complete their parts.
  • We decided to merge everything in the android branch after some minor updates.
  • We discussed about the different UIs that we should provide for guests and logged in users.
  • We decided that we should have a "User Provider" to switch between the user interfaces.

Action Items

Item Responsible Person Due Date Relevant Issue
Update the code in #279 according to the feedbacks Musa Şimşek 24/10/2022, 23:59 #262
Update the Registration Page Atilla Türkmen 25/10/2022, 23:59 #294
Implement a User Provider Atilla Türkmen, Can Atakan Uğur (Reviewer) 25/10/2022, 13:00 #292
Prepare an additional Home Page for guests Can Atakan Uğur 25/10/2022, 13:00 #313


  • This was more like a catch-up meeting to finalize the progress in the repository.
  • Assignments are made for some tasks with high priority.