Güney İzol (Effort Tracking) - bounswe/bounswe2022group7 GitHub Wiki

Here you can find weekly effort reports of Güney İzol

CMPE 352

Week 1

This week I got familiar with git and GitHub. I also created our Slack workspace and integrated some useful tools to it in order for our team members to better work with each other. I searched for some interesting open source projects on GitHub.

Task Duration Type of Work
Setting up our own Slack 4-5 hours Communication/Collaboration/Workflow infrastructure
Creating a personal wiki page 30 minutes Documentation
Researching interesting GitHub Repositories 1 hour Research
Writing about git on the wiki 30 minutes Documentation
Team meeting 40 minutes Collaboration & Planning
Week 2
Task Duration Type of Work
Team meeting 50 minutes Collaboration & Planning
Coming up with some requirement ideas 2 hours Documentation & Design
Week 3
Task Duration Type of Work
User Scenario for creating events 4 hours Documentation & Design
Week 4
Task Duration Type of Work
Review the user scenario for missing & incomplete items 1 hour Documentation & Design
Write the meeting notes for meeting #7 1 hour Documentation & Collaboration & Planning
Week 5
Task Duration Type of Work
Team Meetings (several times this week) 10 hours Collaboration & Planning & Design
Work on the use case and class diagrams (individually) 5 hours Documentation & Design
Review and refine the requirements 3 hours Documentation & Design

Our team meetings also included a large amount of design work besides the individual work outside of the meetings. I tried to actively participate in the discussions and the design works that we have done as a group in the meetings.

I took part in creating the Artist and ArtItem classes and also several other small classes. I also took part in creating the use case diagram, especially in Artist related use cases.

Week 6
Task Duration Type of Work
Team Meetings (several times this week) 5 hours Collaboration & Planning & Design
Work on the use case and class diagrams (individually) 3 hours Documentation & Design
Create a sequence diagram for writing a comment 1 hours Documentation & Design

We kept working on our diagrams. We also assigned responsibilities for the milestone and project plan.

Week 7
Task Duration Type of Work
Team Meetings (several times this week) 6 hours Collaboration & Planning & Design
Work on the use case and class diagrams (individually) 1 hours Documentation & Design
Create sequence diagrams for writing registration and login 2 hours Documentation & Design
Contribute to the RAM 1 hour Documentation
Write the evaluation of the deliverables for the report 2 hours Documentation
Week 8
Task Duration Type of Work
Team Meetings 3 hour Collaboration & Planning & Design
Prepare the final version of deliverables with teammates 2 hours Documentation & Design
Week 9
Task Duration Type of Work
Team Meeting 1 hours Collaboration & Planning & Design
Learn Django framework 7-8 hours Implementation
Keep learning about Git and GitHub 2 hours Collaboration & Tools
Week 10
Task Duration Type of Work
Learn Flask framework 6 hours Implementation
Keep learning about Git and GitHub 1 hours Collaboration & Tools
Week 11
Task Duration Type of Work
Learn Flask framework 6 hours Implementation
Create signup, login, logout endpoints using Flask 3 hours Implementation
Week 12
Task Duration Type of Work
Keep learning Flask framework 5 hours Implementation
Change signup and login endpoints from session-based authentication to token-based authentication 3 hours Implementation

CMPE 451

Week 1
Task Duration Type of Work
Review the use case diagram 1 hour Documentation
Set up and configure the frontend development branch 4 hours Development & Configuration
Week 2
Task Duration Type of Work
Implement an example React component and a corresponding test with Jest 3 hours Development
Implement the main navigation of the Home Page 2 hours Development
Create a basic home page layout including art item and event components 5 hours Development
Week 3
Task Duration Type of Work
Review the routing of the pages 2 hours Development
Make our home page responsive 6 hours Development
Week 4
Task Duration Type of Work
Fetch data for home page and display them 10 hours Development
Week 5
Task Duration Type of Work
Annotation Research 10 hours Research
Week 6
Task Duration Type of Work
Annotation web service implementation 12 hours Development
Week 7
Task Duration Type of Work
Annotation web service implementation 8 hours Development
Week 8
Task Duration Type of Work
Image annotation frontend implementation 13 hours Development
Week 9
Task Duration Type of Work
Annotations improvements 5 hours Development
Week 10

| Task | Duration | Type of Work | | Text annotations implementation| 8 hours | Development |

Week 11
Task Duration Type of Work
Annotations improvements 7 hours Development
Week 12
Task Duration Type of Work
Image & text annotations integration with annotation API 11 hours Development
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