Erim Erkin Doğan (Effort Tracking) - bounswe/bounswe2022group7 GitHub Wiki

Here you can find weekly effort reports of Erim Erkin Doğan

CMPE 352

Week 1
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Updating README file 15 minutes Documentation #7
Creating personal wiki page 15 minutes Documentation #24
Researching interesting GitHub repositories 1 hour Research #30
Researching about git/GitHub 30 minutes Research -
Team meeting on Zoom 40 minutes Meeting -
Week 2
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Migrating and adding new effort tracking data to a new page 15 minutes Documentation -
Team meeting on Zoom 50 minutes Meeting -
Reviewing requirements draft 30 minutes Documentation -
Week 3
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Team meeting on Zoom 90 minutes Meeting -
Creating mockups for scenarios 6 hours 15 minutes Documentation #52
Week 4
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Attended to customer meeting scheduled at PS session. Previously prepared questions by my groupmates were asked 120 minutes Meeting -
Week 5
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Attended to Problem Session. 40 minutes Meeting -
Attended to Meeting #4 50 minutes Meeting -
Updated requirements draft in parts related to customer's answer to Question 4 45 minutes Documentation #67
Attended to Meeting #5 60 minutes Meeting -
Added comment and discussion forum use cases to use case diagram. 40 minutes Design #76
Attended to Meeting #6 210 minutes Meeting -
Wrote meeting notes for Meeting #6 20 minutes Documentation #82
Divided "Discussions" section to "Discussion Forum" and "Communications" in requirements 15 minutes Documentation #83
Reviewed and added missing features to final version of use case diagram 45 minutes Design #85
Completed "Exhibition" and "OnlineGallery" classes, created "Event" class as a parent to these classes 120 minutes Design #92
Attended to Meeting #7 120 minutes Meeting -

Total time spent this week: 12 hours 45 minutes

Week 6
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Attended to Meeting #8 90 minutes Meeting -
Added Recommendation class to class diagram 30 minutes Design #102
Review the necessary requirements, use case and class diagrams. Create sequence diagram for "Create Physical Exhibition" 90 minutes Design #110
Expanding and modifying requirements for "Exhibitions" to "Events" 45 minutes Documentation #111
Attended to Meeting #9 120 minutes Meeting -
Simplifying and merging classes "Comment" and "ForumThread" in class diagram 60 minutes Design #115
Reviewing and modifying requirements about the changes in Discussion Forum and Comments 30 minutes Documentation #117

Total time spent this week: 7 hours 45 minutes

Week 7
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Created Sequence Diagram for use case "Create Physical Exhibition" 80 minutes Design #110
Created Sequence Diagram for use case "Edit Online Gallery" 45 minutes Design #134
Updated Scenario 1 15 minutes Documentation #121
Reconstructing the entire UML Class Diagram with correct relationships, and fixing the problems in classes. 90 minutes Design & Meeting We have met and worked colloboratively using LucidCharts
Filling my column in RAM 30 minutes Planning -
Filling my individual contributions in the Milestone 1 Report 60 minutes Documentation Report
Adding list and status of deliverables to Milestone 1 Report 30 minutes Documentation #118

Total time spent this week: 6 hours 30 minutes

Week 8
Task Duration Type of Work Remarks
Team Meeting #10 1 hour Meeting Meeting Notes
Researched about REST APIs and frameworks (Django, Flask) 2 hours Research -
Reviewed PR and contributted to initial files for practice-app folder 30 minutes Review and Contribution PR #138, Commit
Researched about Flask and documented the results 1.5 hours Research #143, Wiki Page

Total Hours: 3.5 hours

Week 9
Task Duration Type of Work Remarks
Researched about Flask and documented the results 1.5 hours Research #143, Wiki Page
Team Meeting #11 1 hour Meeting Meeting Notes
Backend foundations team meeting 1.5 hours Meeting Opened Issue
Researching about authorization methods for the API 1 hours Research We talked about the results in Meeting #12, as a result we changed our login and registration implementation

Total Hours: 4 hours

Week 10
Task Duration Type of Work Remarks
Team Meeting #12 2.5 hours Meeting Meeting Notes

Total Hours: 2.5 hours

Week 11
Task Duration Type of Work Remarks
Created the initial endpoints for feature Participants 2 hours Implementation #165 with relevant comment
Team Meeting #13 1 hour Meeting [Meeting Notes](
Creating the Docker configuration with Can Atakan Uğur 1 hour Implementation Details
Reviewed the issue #171 15 Minutes Review Issue
Creating a wiki page with a template to store API endpoint documentations 1 hour Documentation #174

Total Hours: 5 hours 15 minutes

Week 12
Task Duration Type of Work Remarks
Team Meeting #14 1 hour 20 minutes Meeting Meeting Notes
Researching and Implementing CI for our app for testing 1.5 hours Testing #187
Implemented an external API and necessary API endpoint to create personalized share links for events 1.5 hours Implementation Relevant Comment
Created frontend for my implementation of feature Participants 1 hour Implementation #165
Added unit tests for my implementation of feature Participants 2 hours Testing #165, Commit
Team Meeting #15 1 hour 20 minutes Meeting Meeting Notes
Creating Swagger documentation for feature Participants 1 hour Documentation Relevant comment
Preparing requirements for the feature Participants 30 minutes Documentation Relevant Comment, Wiki commit
Creating software design documents 2.5 hourse Desing #217
Evaluated Github Actions and AWS in Milestone Report 30 minutes Documentation #223
Filled Personal Contribution table in Milestone Report 1 hour Documentation #223
Created CD pipeline to automatically deploy to AWS with a release created 3 hours Deployment #226
Creating a pull request for merging my branch 10 minutes Implementation Pull Request #234
PR and code reviews 4 hours Review PRs: #179, #188, #191, #195, #208, #222, #234

Total Hours: 21 hours 20 minutes

CMPE 451

Week 1
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Attended the first meeting 90 minutes Meeting
Revision of Scenarios and Mockups 70 minutes Design #247
Contribution to customer questions 10 minutes Discussion #242
Week 2
Task Duration Type of Work Relevant Links
Attended weekly meeting on tuesday 90 minutes Meeting CMPE451 Meeting Notes #2
Front-end team meeting, revision of system requirements 60 minutes Meetin, Documentation #247, FRONTEND Meeting Notes #1
Week 3
Task Duration Type of Work Relevant Links
Research and setup frontend dockerization 240 minutes Implementation & Research #282, #283, PR #286
Researched our deployment options 90 minutes Research Relevant comment on #282
Week 4
Task Duration Type of Work Relevant Links
AWS Infrastructure setup (Database, ECS, ECR, S3) and initial frontend deployment to AWS 250 minutes Infrastructure Relevant comment #282, Relevant comment 2 #282
Attended general team meeting #3 100 minutes Meeting CMPE451 Meeting Notes #3
Setting up backend dockerization and fixing bugs related to docker implementation 180 minutes Infrastructure PR #276, Relevant PR Comment
Attended general team meeting #4 100 minutes Meeting CMPE451 Meeting Notes #4
Integrating frontend sign-in and sign-up pages with backend, adding verification 150 minutes Implementation #338, PR #346
Deploying the last version of backend and frontend to AWS, setting up reverse proxy and connection between applications 300 minutes Infrastructure #282, Relevant Comment, PR #354, PR #355
Week 5
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Planning meeting for group review report 60 minutes Meeting -
Filling the group review report 80 minutes Documentation -
Week 6
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Setting up swagger for API documentation 180 minutes Configuration #399, PR #404
Creating CI workflow for Android application 120 minutes Infastructure Setup #408 PRs: #411, #412
Week 7
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Revised the sign-up experience 400 minutes Implementation #418, PR #452
Fixing FormLayout's lower resolution behaviour 150 minutes Implementation, Hotfix #422, PR #429
Fixing Android CI's behavior 30 minutes Hotfix, Configuration #425, PR #426
Reviewing Pull Requests 40 minutes Review #417, #421
Week 8
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Updating the homepage with new endpoints and revising homepage's visual on frontend 420 minutes Implementation #487, PR #498
Revising the navigation bar design on frontend 360 minutes Implementation #487, PR #503
Setup annotation microservice deployment & dockerization & fix for production build 300 minutes Implementation & Infrastructure #517, PR #520, Deployment bug, Fix PR
Week 9
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Creating tag for customer presentation 2 15 minutes Deployment #526, Release 0.2.0-alpha
Milestone 2 report preparation 60 minutes Documentation #512
Week 10
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Implementing Copyright Infringement reports to frontend 200 minutes Implementation #581, PR #612
Adding like, participate, bookmark and follow functionalities to frontend homepage 400 minutes Implementation #582, PR #600
Implementing a distiction between recommended and general homepage feed on frontend 60 minutes Enhancement #613, PR #615
Implementing Search 350 minutes Implementation #617, PR #628, Hotfix PR #634
Week 11
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Meeting for distributing the tasks for final milestone report 30 minutes Meeting -
Creation of final milestone tag & release 15 minutes Presentation Release 0.9.0
Writing system manual for backend, annotation and frontend applications 120 minutes Documentation Commit, commit
Filling individual contributions part in final milestone report 45 minutes Documentation Commit
Populating Database for final milestone deliverable 30 minutes Documentation -
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