Demet Yayla (Effort Tracking) - bounswe/bounswe2022group7 GitHub Wiki

Here you can find weekly effort reports of "Name Surname"


Week 1
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Create a communication plan with my pair and document it. 2 hours Documentation & Planning #4
Search and report nice github repositories. Document them by providing their references and describing what you liked about them. 2 hours Documentation & Search #29
Weekly group meeting with team mates and discussing topics relevant to the whole group 40 mins Planning
A template distribution of pairs to tasks (which changed later on, just an unofficial starter assignment) and double checking if there were any tasks left not noted down to get distributedi. 30 mins Planning
Create a personal wiki page. 20 mins Documentation #12
Attended to Meeting #7 120 minutes Meeting -
Week 2
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Weekly team meeting 50 mins Collaboration & Planning
Preparing an initial version for systems requirements 3 hours 15 mins Documentation #44
Week 3
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Weekly team meeting 90 mins Collaboration & Planning
Creaing a user scenario and noting down customer questions. 2 hours 30 mins Documentation #49
Week 4
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Weekly team meeting. 10 minutes Documentation & Planning
Week 5
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Weekly team meeting. 50 min Documentation & Planning
Reading and analysing requirements page from top to bottom and . 20 mins Research
Updating requirements according to customer meeting for customer question 3. 20 min Documentation & Enhancement #65
Reading customer meeting report 20 mins Documentation #49
Attended PS. 40 min Meeting
Complete the part assigned to Use Case Diagram. 30 min Documentation and Design #74
Plan for Class Diagram Task distribution and review of Use Case Diagram. 1 hour Planning #86
Meeting to work on Use Case Diagram. 210 mins Meeting & Documentation
Finish the use case diagram. 4 hours 30 mins Documentation #84
Do the part assigned for class diagram. 1 hour Design & Documentation #90
Attended to Meeting #7 120 minutes Meeting -
Week 6
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Attend to Meeting #8 1 hour 30 mins Meeting -
Create meeting notes for Meeting #8 1 hour Documentation & Planning (
Add HomePage class to Class Diagram 1 hour 30 mins Design & Documentation #100
Clean up and upload meeting report with Cahit Arda Öz 1 hour 20 mins Documentation -
Edit effort tracking 10 mins Documentation -
Write requirements related to Annotations. 1 hours Meeting & Documentation #105
Review use case diagram for annotations 30 mins Review #106
Edit class diagram for adding annotations interface and enhancing it globally with Atakan and Cahid on parallel 2 hours 30 mins Design & Enhancement #107
Create sequence diagram for bidding 3 hours Design #99
Color the use case diagram for a more organised look as we were asked to do in PS. 30 mins Design & Enhancement #116
Attend to Meeting #9 2 hours Meeting
Week 7
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Updating Scenario 3 40 minutes Documentation Details
Updating the mock-ups for Scenario 3 1 hour Design Details
Review "Annotate" Use Case in sequence diagram 45 minutes Review #108
Creating sequence diagram for auction 2 hours Design #128
Contribute to finalize the Milestone Report by writing the Executive Summary, contributing to finalization of RAM. 3 hours Documentation #118
Filling my individual contributions in the Milestone 1 Report 1 hours Documentation #118
Filling my column in RAM and make minor edits on the format of the file 30 minutes Documentation
Contributing to the completion of the Milestone Report (Merging the files etc) in a meeting with group meeting. 1 hour Documentation #118
Add the action items to the RAM sheet. Design and format was customized. Equally assign the future action items in the RAM. 150 mins Documentaiton #120
Week 8
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Attend to Meeting #10 1 hour Meeting
Week 9
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Research on unit testing in Python for the task I was assigned in Meeting Notes #10. Documentation can be found here 6 hour Research and Documentation [#145]
Week 10
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Attended meeting #11 60 mins Meeting
Week 11 | -------- | ------------ | ---------------- | ---------------- | |Meeting with the team working on front end foundations for practice app|1 hour|Meeting|#147| |To fulfill the task I was assigned in [meeting 11]( we divided some frontend possible HTML cases among the frontend subteam created in meeting. I added [entry_pool.html]( and [view_and_post_to_specific_entry.html]( Learned html, javascript, css and flask from scratch enough to be abke to fulfill the task|16 hours|Coding and Learning|#147| |Attended [team meeting #12](|2 hours 30 mins|Meeting||
Week 12
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Worked on posting to forum and viewing a forum in Practice-App. 15 hours Coding #161


Week 1
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Attended the first meeting. 90 mins meeting
Revision of the class diagram with Can Atakan Uğur. 1 hour 30 mins design #245
Review sequence diagrams for Discussion Forum 1 hour 30 mins design #245
Update communication plan according to weekly meeting resolutions. 10 mins Design #244
Review and update project plan with Can Atakan Uğur and team leaders. 1 hour meeting #241
Week 2
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Attended weekly meeting on tuesday. 90 mins meeting
Revision of the class diagram with Can Atakan Uğur. 1 hour 30 mins design #245
Review sequence diagrams for Discussion Forum 1 hour 30 mins design #312
Attended weekly meeting for backend team 1 hour meeting
Wrote and tidied backend meeting notes documentation 30 min
Implemented Event, ArtItem, PhysicalExhibition classes. 2 hours implementation #256
Week 3
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Meeting for planning the group report in first milestone. 60 mins meeting
Attended weekly group meeting. 100 mins meeting
I wrote endpoint that returns all the events and endpoint returning all art items for both generic and non-generic users. 3 hours implementation #287
Week 4
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Attended weekly meeting on tuesday. 90 mins meeting
Attended weekly meeting for backend team 1 hour meeting
Wrote and tidied backend meeting notes documentation 30 min
Corrected database connection error. 30 mins Implementaiton #295
Corrected runtime and compilation errors on backend with my teammates,especially hibernate related errors while creating database tables. Created event and art item example instances. Checked the execution via Postman. Created repository classes and missing entity classes along the way such that we didn't get compilation errors (but not implementing them) 8 hours implementation 303
Research on inheritence using hibernate and spring. 1 hour research #310
Created EventInfo class. 10 mins implementation 303
Wrote endpoint for getting single event given event's id. 3 hours implementation #301
Writing Part 3 of Milestone Group Review 2 hours documentation #370
Week 5
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Attended weekly meeting on tuesday. 90 mins meeting
Attended weekly meeting for backend team 1 hour meeting
Create and Delete endpoints for event and art item classes 15 hours implementation & research #394
Week 6
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Attended weekly meeting on tuesday. 90 mins meeting
Author Field Missing For Comments in Comment List 3 hours implementation #3420
Viewing and Deleting the Settings Page 2 hours implementation #437
Following user endpoint 90 mins implementation #447
Week 7
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Attended weekly meeting on tuesday. 90 mins meeting
Research and try on integration testing 6 hours implementation & research #358
Bug fix: Owner field null in Create Art Item Endpoint 1 hour implementation #457
Convert from string to list 90 mins implementation & research #450
Discussion Post Upvote Downvote Transform as In Comment 90 mins implementation #467
Week 8
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Attended weekly meeting on tuesday. 90 mins meeting
Sample data formation for milestone. 3 hours implementation #496
Review the scenario for milestone 2. 20 mins documentation #497
Project Progress Documentation Related to Requirements for milestone 2 report 4 hours documentation #515
Week 9
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Attended weekly meeting on tuesday. 90 mins meeting
Implement search 4 hours implementation #547
Research on how to implement search. 6 hours documentation #547
Week 10
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Research on how to automatize indexing when running the application 5 hours implementation #547
Attended weekly meeting on tuesday. 90 mins meeting
Seperate search endpoints for features. 1 hour documentation #547
Try to write unit tests (I failed and gave up) 2 hours implementation branch
Week 11
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Meeting for distributing the tasks for final milestone report 30 mins Meeting
Attended weekly meeting on tuesday. 90 mins meeting
Filling individual contributions part in final milestone report 2 hours documentation
Writing requirements revision part for Final Milestone Report 2 hours documentation
Reviewing executive summary for final milestone report 1 hours documentation
Preparing mock data to fill db to fulfill milestone requirement of "100 mock data" 90 mins documentation
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