Customer Meeting Report - bounswe/bounswe2022group7 GitHub Wiki

Meeting Information

Date: 23/03/2022
Time: 18:20
Online/Offline: Online
Location: Zoom
Duration: 1 hour
Note Taker: Can Atakan Uğur


Questions and the Answers of the Customer

Q1: What is the nature of the discussion forum? Will each art item have an associated discussion page?

Answer Key Points:

  • A user can be in touch with the other users via the comments in his/her art galleries or exhibitions on his/her profile.
  • Exhibitions should also provide a communication channel since there will be attendance/participation in the activity. Also, it should be possible to discuss the event publicly.

Q2: Protection of art items requires some action when a violation takes place. What will the platform do when there is a copyright violation? Remove the post? Punish the violator in some way?

Answer Key Points:

  • Any piece of art that violates the copyrights must be removed from the platform.
  • An approach like Instagram's reporting system might be followed.
  • There should be a penalty after some number of violations.
  • There might be a "violation score" for the users. This score is increased each time the user violates the rules or spams something on the platform and there can be different punishments after a certain threshold.

Q3: Should the users be able to see their own level? Should the users be able to see the levels of other people? Is this feature solely intended to help with verifying users ("verify them based on their artistic values") or is it a publicly visible feature?

Answer Key Points:

  • This feature can be used as a gamification feature. The users can collect points etc.
  • The points can be used as a criterion for organizing exhibitions, offering pieces of art, and even bidding. For instance, some users with a score that is lower than a certain number cannot use some particular functions of the platforms.
  • This feature can also be implemented internally. In other words, the levels and the points of the users may not be visible to the users depending on our choice.

Q4: What does it mean to comment or share? Do we not consider entries or replies in the discussion forum as interaction, do we only consider interaction with art items? What does it mean to share something? Share it with followers? Do users have a feed where they see art shared and published by the people they follow?

Answer Key Points:

  • The posts, interactions, or engagements might be about an exhibition or online gallery.
  • Or those might be about collections or pieces of art.
  • Comments of a user on a particular art item can be visible in their profile.

Q5: What are artistic values?

Answer Key Points:

  • Artistic values could be used for a certain user to use some additional functionalities on the platform.
  • These additional functionalities might include having a verified account, or opening an online gallery, for instance.
  • As an example, if a user has not posted any art item etc. they would not be able to have a verified account.
  • An internal point system can be used to measure how active a user is, or in other words, how strong artistic values do they have.
  • There can be custom coefficients that affect users' internal activity points for different actions.
  • Some examples of the actions that can have an impact on the users' artistic values perceived by the platform:
    • hosting online galleries
    • attending offline exhibitions
    • publishing artworks
    • participating in discussions

Q6: About the bidding/auction system on the platform, what type of bidding should be used? How does the auction conclude, a time period, a price threshold, or a single shot?

  • English Auction system shall be used.

Q7: Can the artist end the bidding by withdrawing the item and not selling it at all?

  • No, they cannot withdraw the item.

Q8: How will the payments for the bidding take place? Should the system include a way of payment? Is there some kind of e-wallet system?

Answer Key Points:

  • There is no need to include any sort of a payment system in the platform.
  • To prevent malicious activity in the auctions, there can be a deadline for the winning user to complete the payment and buy the item from the artist.
  • If the artist does not mark the auction as "sold" until the deadline, then that means the winner of the auction still has not paid and they are just trying to spoil the activity.
  • In these cases, there may or may not be a penalty for such users.

Q9: Where does the annotation take place; on the art item, discussion forum, or online exhibition?

Answer Key Points:

  • They shall be used in art items, titles of exhibitions, online galleries, etc.
  • It is not recommended to use them in the discussion posts or discussion comments, as those may include typos.
  • There shall be a search function by a particular user. In other words, the platform shall be able to fetch the activity of a specific user when someone makes a search for it.

Additional Notes

  • The user shall be able to check the tags in order to view previous activity or a particular item or information on the platform.
  • There is no need to make bookmarks specific to the session.
  • There shall be separate pages for exhibitions, including the details about them.
  • The questions we have prepared were comprehensive, and we talked about many additional points while discussing an answer for a question. That is why the answers to the questions included various different significant points, and they are briefly listed in this report.
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