Communication Plan - bounswe/bounswe2022group7 GitHub Wiki

Who Where When Purpose
everyone Face-to-face (a cafe in cami sokak, lounge, cafe neuro) or via Zoom Tuesday at 17.00 Opening new issues, deciding efforts for both existing non-touched issues and new ones, selecting the weekly tasks to be done, discussing the previous week’s work (if we finished what we aimed to finish, what were the problems, what could have been better etc.)
everyone WhatsApp anytime To arrange meetings face to face, to do casual talk
everyone GitHub anytime Project development and tracking, issue opening and tracking, version tracking, documentation forming
everyone Discord anytime To communicate on anything work related such as arranging work meeting, discussing to develop project etc. Installing the app to mobile phones is obligatory with notifications open.

PS: Since we will have specialized teams and pairs forming those teams, communication between teams and between different individuals forming a team will be decided on their own dynamics depending on their mutual available slots and the time they are to spend on the work.

PS: No hybrid meeting will occur. We will meet either everyone face-to-face or everyone from Zoom.