Cahid Arda Öz (Effort Tracking) - bounswe/bounswe2022group7 GitHub Wiki

Here you can find weekly effort reports of Cahid Arda Öz

CMPE 352

Week 1
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Discover repositories that I like and review past CMPE352 repositories 45 minutes Research #11
Creating and assigning first issues to all team members 40 minutes Planning #5
Aranging a timeslot for our first meeting with a poll 20 minutes Planningn -
Preparing the Wiki by creating the pages required for the assignment of week 1 and preparing the sidebar 20 minutes Documentation #10
Team Meeting #1 40 minutes Meeting -
Week 2
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Preparing the Wiki sidebar for seperate personal effort tracking pages, creating my own page for personal effort tracking, writing and issue for other team members to create their own 40 minutes Documentation #41
Review requirements pages from the past years. Working on the Non-functional requirements for our project. Transfering these requirements to our requirements page draft 40 minutes Research #43
Team Meeting #2 50 minutes Meeting -
Week 3
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Adding a page to wiki about websites similar to our project 30 minutes Research #45
Reviewing and updating the requirements draft page on our wiki. I reviewed the items we had, looked for contradictions and missing items. I then went over the project description, prepared a report and added new items to our requirements list. I also tried to make the requiremnts comply with the format described in the lecture. 210 minutes Documentation #48
Team Meeting #3 110 minutes Meeting -
Week 4
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Attended the customer meeting. Asked the questions prepared in the previous week to the customer. Later on, a report was produced from the customer meeting by my team mates. 130 minutes Meeting -
Week 5
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Attended PS 40 minutes Meeting -
Team Meeting #4 50 minutes Meeting -
Created Lucidchart documents for Use Case Diagram, Class Diagram and Sequence Diagrams and shared the links with the team 20 minutes Organization #60
Updating the scenario acceptance criteria sections (Scenario #1, #2 and #3) in order to make sure that they comply with the updated requirements 50 minutes Documentation #58
Reviewing the work being done on the requirements and commenting on the issues. 60 minutes Review -
Team Meeting #5 60 minutes Meeting -
Team Meeting #6 210 minutes Meeting -
Worked on the Use Case Diagram. Merged the different sections of the Use Case Diagram created by my team mates and also my own section (create event use cases, see #73) to create a foundation for the rest of the Use Case Diagram. Then discussed and worked on the finer details of the Use Case Diagram with the first subgroup tasked with finalizing the Use Case Diagram. Then uploaded the resulting Use Case Diagram to Wiki. 180 minutes Documentation #73, #84
Week 6
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Completing the admin user class and adding the copyright infringement class to the UML Class Diagram. 45 minutes UML Class Diagram #89
Creating a sequence diagram for the use case where the admin views the existing copyright infringement reports, chooses a report, and removes the reported art item from the platform. 75 minutes Sequence Diagram #93
Attended PS 60 minutes Meeting -
Team Meeting #8 90 minutes Meeting -
Contributing to and reviewing the report from meeting 8 40 minutes Documentation #101
Week 7
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Add pages to wiki for the Class Diagram and the Sequence diagrams. Updating the wiki sidebar. 15 minutes Documentation -
Updating the acceptance criteria of the scenarios according to the most recent requirements. 30 minutes Documentation #58
Reviewing the software design diagrams. Looked for ways of simplfying the search section in the requirements, use case and class diagrams. Also looked for redundencies in the class diagram. Took notes to present these to the team in the next meeting. 60 minutes Documentation #91
Team Meeting #9 120 minutes Meeting -
Fixing the search and filtering related requirements in the requierements file. A new section is created and items are moved there. 30 minutes Documentation #79
Worked on creating the milestone report 1. Added the title page, table of contents, executive summary and wrote my individual contribution. 90 minutes Documentation #118
Fixing the thread related requirements in the requierements file. Discussion Forum section isrenamed and it is updated. 30 minutes Documentation #117
Fixing the mock-ups of scenario 2 according to the feedback of the TA. 30 minutes Documentation #72
Worked on the milestone report. Added my own individual contribution, filled my RAM section, contributed to the project status section 90 minutes Documentation -
Worked on simplifying the use case diagram. Updated the admin related use cases and moved all the use cases around to make the use case diagram more visually pleasing. Then reviewed the Requirements and the Use Case diagram together to make sure they match. 120 minutes Documentation #89, #124
Created the Project Planning document and added the items covering the dates from the beginning of the course until the Milestone 1 meeting. 120 minutes Documentation #133
Week 9
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Attended PS 60 minutes Meeting -
Created initial files for practice-app on the practice-app branch. Created a PR. 60 minutes practice-app #137, #138 (PR)
Team Meeting #10 60 minutes Meeting -
Updating the name of the practice_app directory as practice-app 10 minutes Practice App Development fb782bf
Research on AWS. In Team Meeting #10, we split the topics that need to be researched into groups. I researched AWS and tried to answer some questions relevant to our project. I created the AWS Research our wiki about the results. 90 minutes Research #142
Week 10
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Attended PS. Asked questions in the PS and via Slack to clarify points about the practice app 120 minutes Meeting See group7 channel on the bounswe Slack
Research Docker boilerplates we can use as reference 60 minutes Research -
Team Meeting #11 60 minutes Meeting -
Worked on creating the basis of the practice app frontend. Wrote the issue #147. Created practice-app/front-end-base branch and added the base.html file. 60 minutes Practice App - Front End Basis #147
Week 11
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Meeting with the team working on front end foundations for practice app 60 minutes Meeting #147
Did research on HTML, JS and Flask. Filled the base.html file as explained in the issue #147. Created the create_event.html as explained in the issue #147 300 minutes Coding #147
Team Meeting #12 150 minutes Meeting -
Week 12
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Add the missing files needed to run the practice application. 30 minutes Coding #157
Worked on event related features. Details explained in the related issue. 540 minutes Coding #158
Reviewed token based authentication update. Did research on using Tokens 120 minutes Review and Research #160
Attending and preparing notes for Team Meeting #13 120 minutes Meeting #164
Worked on the home page and search feature. Details explained in the related issue. 300 minutes Coding #166
Reviewed and approved #170 20 minutes Review -
Created a Free-Tier AWS account. Created an EC2 instance. Configured access to the EC2. Deployed the app on EC2. 200 minutes Deployment #171
Started writing the personal deliverable. 240 minutes Report -
Attending and preparing notes for Team Meeting #14 60 minutes Meeting
Designed and implemented the Token System for Frontend 180 minutes Implementation #179

CMPE 451

Week 1
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Attended the first meeting 90 minutes meeting
Revision of Requirements. New members in the team took notes and wrote questions. I answered these questions and made an action plan 90 minutes Design #243
Preparing Customer Questions. I used the notes I took in #243 to prepare questions for the TA. 60 minutes Documentation #242
Mock up revision meeting 70 minutes meeting #247
Week 2
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Attended weekly meeting on tuesday 90 minutes meeting
Prepared meeting report for our meeting on tuesday 60 minutes documentation #249
Attended the frontend team meeting and wrote the report on wiki. Planned the system requirements revision during the meeting. 120 minutes Meeting & Documentation #254
Week 3
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Research on annotations. Found annotator after some going down the rabbit whole and used the demo in its release to test the text annotations. Attempted to use image annotations. Found a document showing how image annotations are saved as JSON. 90 minutes Research -
Implemented router for the frontend 180 minutes Implementation #268, #269
Implemented comment section for the frontend 180 minutes Implementation #270, #269
Implemented static signup and signin pages. Had to learn about handling user inputs and button submits with react hooks. 180 minutes Implementation #284, #288
Extended the Comment component by replacing it with UserCard component. Created the art item page with mock data using the UserCard component to demonstrate it. Had to learn more about hooks and how buttons work 240 minutes Implementation #289
Week 4
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Implemented authentication and token handling. Had to learn more about hooks, contexts and routers. 240 minutes Implementation #290, #291
Research and testing text/image annotations. Planned future steps for adding Annotations. 240 minutes Research #297
General Meeting 4, discussion with team members. Preparing meeting notes 150 minutes Meeting #327
Finding out, debugging and reporting an error in the database 240 minutes Debugging #344
Integrating art item page to the endpoints 120 minutes Implementation #343
Updating app name in the frontend and tracking the change in mobile 20 minutes Implementation #350
Planning and preparing for the presentation as a presenter 90 minutes Presentation #353
Creating tag for the first milestone 120 minutes Organisation #368
Week 5
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Meeting for planning the group report in first milestone 60 minutes Meeting -
Taking notes during the group meeting and uploading them to wiki. 120 minutes Documentation -
Week 6
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Adding Form Layout to Sign-up and Sign-in Pages 120 minutes Implementation #387
Learning about storing images as Base64, testing it on frontend and reviewing it on backend and mobile. 240 minutes Research #389
Week 7
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Create event and create art item implementation for frontend 120 minutes Implementation #401
Adding a layout for content on the app, fixing endpoints of homepage and improved error page. 120 minutes Implementation #417
Week 8
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Completed integration of the new art item and new physical event pages with the endpoints 420 minutes Implementation #401, PR #459
Integrated comment section with the endpoints 240 minutes Implementation #460, PR #476
Reported owner null bug in art item creation 30 minutes Bug Reporting #457
Reported duplicate comments bug 30 minutes Bug Reporting #458
Reported discussion page GET token requirement bug 15 minutes Bug Reporting #469
Reported bugs in comment list fields of event and discussion page endpoints 15 minutes Bug Reporting #470
Removed poster id field from the discussion post in the backend 45 minutes Bug Reporting PR #474
Merged updates in develop branch into master for deployment 15 minutes - PR #478
Added color theme to the app. Styled event, art item and discussion pages. Styled comment section component. Added start&end time selection to create physical event page 300 minutes Implementation #490, PR #491
CommentSection Component unit tests 60 minutes Implementation PR #521
Mock Text Annotation for Frontend 60 minutes Implementation PR #522
Tag for milestone 2 60 minutes Documentation #526
Week 9
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Searched and found MySQL Functionality for semantic search. Informed my friend about my findings. 60 minutes Reseach -
Week 10
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Updating the image & text annotation editor by removing the tag field 60 minutes Enhancement #580, PR #586
Adding art item auction to the frontend 180 minutes Implementation #583, PR #585
Adding downvote upvote to comments 120 minutes Implementation #588, PR #592
Adding online events 180 minutes Implementation #595, PR #597
Add delete, participate, like, upvote functionality to content pages 120 minutes Implementation #608, PR #609


Task Duration Type of Work Issues
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