CMPE451 Meeting Notes #7 - bounswe/bounswe2022group7 GitHub Wiki

Meeting Information

Date: 21/11/2022
Time: 15:00
Online/Offline: Offline
Duration: 1 hour
Note Taker: Demet Yayla


  • Cahid Arda Öz
  • Demet Yayla
  • Ali Can Milani
  • Musa Şimşek
  • Enes Aydoğduoğlu
  • Erim Erkin Doğan
  • Güney İzol
  • Atilla Türkmen
  • Can Atakan Uğur
  • Başak Önder
  • Sabri Mete Akyüz
  • Muhammet Ekrem Gezgen


  • Discussing the tasks that remain from the last week.
  • Planning the features, pages and endpoints for the next milestone.


  • Post endpoint for image returns the base 64 image itself alıng with it's id. It is huge data so we should return just the id.
  • Some big data that can cause a bloated return json can be converted to a reduced DTO.
  • We discussed how the tests should be implemented and asked to out lecture assistant. She suggested us to wait until the next lecture for our proffessor to make clarification on this topic.
  • We decided that all art items should be in copyrighted state by default entering our platform.

Action Items

Item Responsible Person Due Date
Post image response body fixation. BACKEND 28.11.2022
Fix namings for endpoint about discussion "forum" (conversion to page) BACKEND 28.11.2022
Discussion post DTO implementation. BACKEND 28.11.2022
Create art item and create event pages implementation. FRONT 28.11.2022
Discussion related pages' implementation. FRONT 28.11.2022
Annotaitons implementation. FRONT 28.11.2022
Profile related pages' implementation. FRONT 28.11.2022
Clear the tasks left from previous week. MOBILE 28.11.2022
Annotation research. MOBILE 28.11.2022
String of list to list conversion annotation add. BACKEND 22.11.2022