Başak Önder (Effort Tracking) - bounswe/bounswe2022group7 GitHub Wiki

Here you can find weekly effort reports of Başak Önder

Week 1
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Attended the first meeting 90 minutes Meeting
Created required wiki pages for myself 20 minutes Documentation #237
Read the requirements and wrote the questions for the things I didn't understand exactly 150 minutes Documentation #243
Week 2
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Attended weekly meeting on tuesday 90 minutes Meeting
Research to gather information to decide which tech stack to use for backend 45 minutes Research
Attended the backend team meeting. Discussed the structure of the backend by using Class Diagrams. Chose the techs that we use 60 minutes Meeting
Because of I had never used Kotlin before, I research about its usage, watch some videos, and tried several hands-on practice to experience it 120 minutes Research
Research on Docker and started to implement the functionality of Dockerization of backend and Sql database 120 minutes Research & Implementation #252
Week 3
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Attended the backend team meeting and wrote the report on wiki. Planned the necessary fields that we should implement. 60 minutes Meeting & Documentation
Implementation of ArtItemInfo and OnlineGallery classes 60 minutes Implementation #257
Revision of the Mock Ups 30 minutes Revision #247
Research about the troubles of Dockerization and finish its implementation 180 minutes Research & Implementation #252
Week 4
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Attended weekly team meeting on Tuesday 100 minutes Meeting
Attended the backend team meeting and took the meeting notes. 60 minutes Meeting
Implementation of RegisteredUser class 45 minutes Implementation #299
Implementation of Single Art Item endpoint 30 minutes Implementation #302
Implementation of RegisteredUser class 45 minutes Implementation #305
Update of endpoints by deprecating hard coded data 30 minutes Implementation #306
Debugging the nested classes bug fix while trying to return the objects through endpoints, then update the classes structure regarding to the solution 120 minutes Debugging & Implementation #323
Trying the dockerization and debugging its OS related problems and communicating with the team members about finalizing it without any error for any OS 90 minutes Debugging
Review of multiple PR's of backend team 60 minutes Review
Revision of the Class Diagram Update 30 minutes Revision #296
Research with backend teammates of errors related with creating database tables and how to implement inheritance relation and its corresponding Sql results as we want. 240 minutes Research
Week 5
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Meeting for planning the group report in first milestone 60 minutes Meeting -
Attended weekly group meeting. 100 minutes Meeting -
Attended backend group meeting and took the meeting notes. 30 minutes Meeting -
Edited the endpoints to return HTTP Error and Success responses with corressponding messages 45 minutes Implementation #376
Changed the age field of user to dateOfBirth because of the Customer Feedback during Milestone 1 15 minutes Implementation #377
Started to implementing the necessary classes for Milestone 2 120 minutes Implementation #382
Review of Swagger PR 30 minutes Review PR#404
Week 6
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Attended weekly group meeting. 100 minutes Meeting -
Continued to implementing the necessary classes for Milestone 2 120 minutes Implementation #382
Researched about Json Indicators and edited the Json Responses to remove duplicate fields and deprecate user credentials 150 minutes Implementation & Research & Debugging #388
Research about image storing as Base64 string 60 minutes Research #389
Creating a new image class and implementing POST/GET/DELETE endpoints for images 90 minutes Implementation #389
Review of multiple PR's of backend team 60 minutes Review
Week 7
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Attended weekly group meeting. 60 minutes Meeting -
Implementation of CREATE/DELETE endpoints for art item/physical exhibition/online gallery. 120 minutes Implementation #394
Implementation of GET/POST endpoints for discussion posts and comments. 150 minutes Implementation #438
Review of multiple PR's of backend team 40 minutes Review
Week 8
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Edited the POST image endpoint, remove base64 string from here to reduce response time 20 minutes Implementation #453
Fix Namings for Endpoint About Discussion "Forum" to "Page" 20 minutes Implementation #454
Debugged the error of creation of several comments at once 45 minutes Debugging #458
Debugged the error of backend building on CI and rebased the PR of @CahidArda to not to take up time of from frontend building. 30 minutes Debugging #458
Review of multiple PR's of backend team 120 minutes Review
Week 9
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Sample Data Formation For Milestone 2 60 minutes Research & Execution #496
Implementing Unit Tests on Backend 300 minutes Research & Implementation #531
Week 10
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Implementation of Recommendation Algorithm 90 minutes Implementation #550
Update User Level with Actions 45 minutes Implementation #552
Auction and Bidding Endpoints 60 minutes Implementation #572
Revision of 4 backend PR 60 minutes Implementation #PR549, #PR560, #PR571, #PR575
Week 11
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Sample Data Formation For The Final Milestone 45 minutes Research & Execution
Team Meeting to Distribute Tasks For Final Deliverables 30 minutes Meeting
Data Formation For Final Deliverables 90 minutes Research & Execution
Writing Executive Summary for Final Deliverables 120 minutes Documentation
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