BACKEND Meeting Notes #4 - bounswe/bounswe2022group7 GitHub Wiki

Meeting Information

Date: 8/11/2022
Time: 17:00
Online/Offline: Offline
Duration: 30 minutes
Note Taker: Başak Önder


  • Cahid Arda Öz
  • Demet Yayla
  • Ali Can Milani
  • Musa Şimşek
  • Erim Erkin Doğan
  • Güney İzol
  • Aziza Mankenova
  • Atilla Türkmen
  • Can Atakan Uğur
  • Başak Önder
  • Sabri Mete Akyüz
  • Muhammet Ekrem Gezgen



  • We talked about the inheritance and association issues between the classes. We conclude that with the research of the issue, all usage of association relations are done.
  • We decided to use Swagger in order to reduce our wasting time on API documentation.
  • We decided to split this week's work by looking into our previous tasks.
  • Endpoints should be updated according to the team meeting decisions and feedbacks from the Customer Milestone 1.

Action Items

Item Responsible Person Due Date
Converting the endpoint response that returns token as string to Json Sabri Mete Akyüz 15/11/2022 23.59
Merging existing event and art_item endpoints by handling the token in one endpoint. Sabri Mete Akyüz 15/11/2022 23.59
Editing the existing Sign Up endpoint regarding the feedback on Customer Meeting. Sabri Mete Akyüz 15/11/2022 23.59
Providing the expected fields for the POST and DELETE event and art_item endpoints of the first week. Demet Yayla 09/11/2022 23.59
Implementing these endpoints. Demet Yayla 15/11/2022 23.59
Fixing the bugs related to Json response: deprecating the duplicate fields and excluding the user credentials Başak Önder 15/11/2022 23.59
Implementing the Artist class Başak Önder 15/11/2022 23.59
Implementing the second part of the classes. Başak Önder 15/11/2022 23.59
Implementing the third part of the classes. Başak Önder 22/11/2022 23.59