Aziza Mankenova (Effort Tracking) - bounswe/bounswe2022group7 GitHub Wiki

Here you can find weekly effort reports of Aziza Mankenova

Week 1
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Attend problem session 40 mins Communication -
Attend the weekly meeting 40 mins Communication
Create a personal wiki page, summarize weekly efforts in the table 40 mins Documentation #23
Customize the labels, by changing the colors and adding new labels after exploring different repositories 30 mins Documentation #9
Explore different well-written GitHub repositories, and add the ones I liked the most to the Repository Research 1 hour Research #25
Study git as a version management system through videos and other internet resources and add most common git commands to Using Git and GitHub 2.5 hours Research #35

As a result of the first week, I got to know all the members of the team. I learned more about Git and GitHub. We collectively finished all the tasks for this week and looking forward to the next week.

Week 2
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Attend problem session and listen for the feedback of the teaching assistant 40 mins Communication -
Create a template for weekly efforts 30 mins Documentation #31
Remove weekly effort section from personal wiki page, and transfer to a new page according to a template 10 mins Documentation #41
Do research on requirements, and look at requirements pages of previous years, document our non-functional requirements 2 hours Research,Documentation #43
Attend weekly meeting 50 mins Documentation -
Document weekly efforts for this week 10 mins Documentation -

This week we have worked on requirements for our project. I have mainly worked on non-functional requirements after doing some research.

Week 3
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Attend problem session and listen for the feedback of the teaching assistant 40 mins Communication -
Attend a meeting with a subgroup to work on a scenario of semantic search and discussion, come up with some customer questions 1 hour 30 mins Communication #50
Document the scenario, and preconditions for semantic search and discussion 1 hour Documentation #50
Attend weekly meeting #3 1 hour 30 mins Communication -
Document weekly efforts for this week 10 mins Documentation -
Document the meeting notes as a note-taker for this week 40 mins Documentation -

This week we have collaboratively worked on scenarios and mock-ups.

Week 4
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Continue work on the questions to be asked during the customer meeting 30 mins Documentation -
Read and review the report of customer answers 40 mins Documentation -
Week 5
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Attend problem session and listen for the feedback of the teaching assistant 40 mins Communication -
Attend weekly meeting #4 50 mins Communication -
Continue work on requirements that required modification in accordance with the answers of the customer. Worked on the answer of the first question in the customer report 40 mins Documentation #69
Review the update in requirements regarding the answer to the seventh question in the customer report 20 mins Documentation #80
Attend weekly meeting #5 60 mins Communication -
Attend weekly meeting #6 210 mins Communication -
Fill out the Use Case Diagram for the "Following" use case 60 mins Documentation #78
Work on and review requirements about discussion forum and communications, and the use case diagram with a group and on my own(fill out the Use Case Diagram for the "Following" use case). Finalized use case diagram with the first group. 240 mins Documentation #78, #83, #85
Attend weekly meeting #7 120 mins Communication -
Week 6
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Attend problem session and listen for the feedback of the teaching assistant 60 mins Communication -
Contribute to the class diagram, fill the class of the "registered user" in the UML Class Diagram 180 mins Design #88
Attend weekly meeting #8 90 mins Communication -
Work on and review the changes in requirements and use cases about events 30 mins Documentation, Design #98
After reviewing the use case, and class diagrams I created a sequence diagram for "editing a profile". Before that, I had some small research about the way we create sequence diagrams. 180 mins Design #114
Week 7
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Attend problem session and listen for the feedback of the teaching assistant 60 mins Communication -
Attend weekly meeting #9 120 mins Communication -
Continue work on requirements, do revisions regarding the requirements about "Exhibitions" 30 mins Documentation #111
Work on the milestone report, mostly contributed to the evaluation of tools and processes. Reviewed the other parts completed by the team members. Add my personal contributions to the table 60 mins Documentation #127
Update the mockups of scenario 1 according to the given feedback. 30 mins Design #72
Add the action items to the RAM sheet. Design and format was customized. Equally assign the future action items in the RAM 150 mins Documentation #120
Do the revisions of the sequence diagram of physical exhibition creation 30 mins Design #110
Review the requirements regarding the merge of classes about Forum and Comment 20 mins Design #115
Complete the milestone report with deliverables with the groupmates in the meeting 120 mins Documentation #118
Add all the sequence diagrams to the wiki page indicating the name of the creator and the reviewer 20 mins Design -
Week 8
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Attend problem session regarding the git 100 mins Communication -
As was told in a problem session we should make the first commit to our practice app in a new branch. Practiced git commands. Add .env to .gitignore file in the practice_app branch 30 mins Documentation #137
Attend Team Meeting #10 60 mins Communication -
Research on Postman. In Team Meeting #10, we split the topics that need to be researched. I have made a research on testing API using Postman. I created the Research on testing API using Postman wiki about the results f the research. 90 mins Communication #141
Week 9
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Attend problem session with TA 120 mins Communication -
Attend Team Meeting #11 60 mins Communication -
To create the basis for the database structure, participated in the meeting with other team members, namely Can Atakan Uğur and Mehmet Emin İpekdal. The action items after the meeting can be found here. 90 mins Communication #148
Week 10
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Work on the foundation of the basis for the database structure of Practice App. Implemented "Events", "Participants", "Users", "Artist" models. Commit can be found here 90 mins Practice-App Database Basis #151
Review the ArtItem, ForumPost, PostComment, and EventDiscussionComment model implementations for database 20 mins Practice-App Database Basis #150
Attend Team Meeting #12. Followed the merging of database, frontend and backend during the meeting. Approved the PR #155 150 mins Communication -
Document the notes of Meeting #12 as a note-taker for this week. Have done random assignments of reviewers on the action items. 60 mins Documentation #156
Week 11
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Attend Team Meeting #13. 60 mins Communication -
Worked on discussion forum comments feature in the practice-app. It includes working on frontend, backend. I have worked on creating REStful API and using an external one. Researched about Flask and front end for the implementation. 900 mins Coding #163
Week 11
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Attend Team Meeting #13. 60 mins Communication -
Worked on discussion forum comments feature in the practice-app. It includes working on frontend, backend. I have worked on creating REStful API and using an external one. Researched about Flask and front end for the implementation. Created a new branch for committing all the work related to discussion forum comments section 900 mins Coding #163
Attend Team Meeting #14. 60 mins Communication -
Review the Admin, CopyrightReport models implementations for database 20 mins Practice-App Database Basis #169
Week 12
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Attend Team Meeting #15. 60 mins Communication -
Continued working on the discussion forum comments feature in the practice-app. AFter creating RESTful API, created frontend. Ten adjusted the API after the authorization was complete, to include the id of the logged in user into the comments table. Performed API testing using Postman, wrote unittests for the API, wrote the documentation of API using Swagger 720 mins Coding #163
Wrote requirements and created use-case, class, and sequence diagrams related to discussion forum comments feature 300 mins Documentation, Design #203
Wrote the Postman evaluation into the Milestone 2 report for the Tools' Evaluation. 20 mins Documentation #218
Personal deliverable mins Documentation
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