Ali Can Milani (Effort Tracking) - bounswe/bounswe2022group7 GitHub Wiki

Here you can find weekly effort reports of Ali Can Milani

Cmpe 352

Week 1
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Preparing the Wiki 1 hour Documentation #10
Creating my Personal Wiki Page 20 minutes Documentation #3
Meeting of the Group 40 minutes Meeting Meeting Notes
Week 2
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Meeting of the Group 50 minutes Meeting Meeting Notes
Review the Project Description 30 minutes Research -
Week 3
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Meeting with the subgrup to document some scenarios 2 hours Meeting, Documentation #50
Week 4
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Review the Customer Meeting Report 40 minutes Review Customer Meeting Report
Review Issues 10 minutes Review -
Week 5
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Meeting of the Group 1 hour Meeting Meeting Notes
Meeting of the Group 1 hour Meeting Meeting Notes
Updating the table of contents of the requirements 30 minutes Documentation #68
Review Issues 20 minutes Review -
Adding Annotation use case to the Use Case Diagram 50 minutes Documentation #77
Meeting of the Group 3 hour Meeting Meeting Notes
Week 6
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Working on [UML Class Diagram]'s "ForumPage" class 1.5 hours Documentation #91
Meeting of the Group 1 hour Meeting Meeting Notes
Updating the [UML Class Diagram]'s "ForumPage" class according to the Meeting 1 hours Documentation #91
Week 7
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Meeting of the Group 2 hour Meeting Meeting Notes
Working on [Sequance Diagram]'s Discussion Forum Page 1.5 hours Documentation #96
Week 8
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Meeting of the Group 1 hour Meeting Meeting Notes
Week 9
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Research on Pull Request and Review Tools 1 hour Research #144
Reading the research team members made 1 hour Review
Week 10
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Week 11
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Catching up the developments in springbreak 5 hour Review
Week 12
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Meeting of the Group 1 hour Meeting Meeting Notes
Reseaching an external API to use in copyright infringement reports 1 hour Research #180, Image Similarity API
Working on Copyright Infringement Implementations 4 hour Implementation #180
Catching up the work done in other branches 2 hour Review
Finishing the Copyright Infringement Implementations 2.5 hour Implementation #180
Creating diagrams for Copyright Infringement related features 3 hours Design #198, #180
Meeting of the Group 1 hour Meeting Meeting Notes
Working on the Copyright Infringement Requirements 25 minutes Design Requirements Page
Preparing Swagger documentation for Copyright Reports 1 hour Documentation #210
Testing endpoints using Postman 1 hour Testing #211, Postman Results Page
Unit testing for Copyright Report endpoints 2.5 hour Testing #212
Reviewing the art items implementations and merging them 0.5 hours Review #173, #206

Cmpe 451

Week 1
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Meeting of the Group 1.5 hour Meeting Meeting Notes
Examining our Repository and our Project 1 hour Review
Reviewing and Update the Use Case Diagram 1 hour Documentation #248
Week 2
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Meeting of the Group 1.5 hour Meeting Meeting Notes
Setting up Android Studio and Flutter 1 hour Workflow
Learning Flutter 2.5 hour Research
Week 3
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Reviewing and merging the register page 1 hour Workflow #263, #267
Implementing the Login Page 2.5 hours Workflow #280, #281
Meeting of the Mobile Team 40 minutes Meeting Meeting Notes
Meeting of the Group 1.5 hours Meeting Meeting Notes
Week 4
Task Duration Type of Work Issues
Meeting of the Mobile Team 45 minutes Meeting Meeting Notes
Creating Mobile Meeting Notes #3 1 hour Documentation #304
Implementing the Home page endpoint integrations 6 hours Workflow #351, #362
Weeks 5 - 8
Task Link
Implementation of Event Creation Page UI Issue #397, PR #430
Implementation of Event Creation Page Network Calls Issue #398, PR #465
Change Image Widgets in View Event Page Issue #431, PR #432
Implementing Follow Functionality Issue #435, PR #499
Update Event View and Create Page Endpoints Issue #479, PR #480
Test for Event Create Page Issue #482, PR #483
Implementing Discussions Issue #504, PR #506
Mobile User Interface / User Experience Issue #530
Issues I Reviewed Issue #403, Issue #446
Pull Requests I Reviewed PR #406, PR #475, PR #508
Group Meetings I Attend Meeting #6, Meeting #7
Mobile Team Meeting I Attend Meeting #4, Meeting #5
Weeks 9 - 11
Task Link
[Mobile] Home page image caching #545
[Mobile] Discussion Post Vote Functionality #562
[Mobile] Event Participation Functionality #564
[Mobile] Art Item Like and Bookmark Functionality #566
[Mobile] Comment Vote Functionality #568
[Mobile] Reporting ArtItem #584
[Mobile] Bookmark Functionality In Feed Page #587
[Mobile] Art Item Auction Network Connection #602


Task Duration Type of Work Issues
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