[General] Meeting Notes #1 - bounswe/bounswe2022group7 GitHub Wiki

Meeting Information

Date: 04/10/2022
Time: 16:00
Online/Offline: Offline
Location: BM
Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
Note Taker: Can Atakan Uğur


  • Cahid Arda Öz
  • Demet Yayla
  • Ali Can Milani
  • Musa Şimşek
  • Erim Erkin Doğan
  • Güney İzol
  • Aziza Mankenova
  • Atilla Türkmen
  • Can Atakan Uğur
  • Başak Önder
  • Sabri Mete Akyüz


  • Onboarding new members
  • Discussion about our very first assignment in general
  • Deciding on a weekly meeting date and time
  • Discussion on which frameworks/tools to use for the implementation
  • Creating sub-teams: front-end, back-end, and mobile
  • Discussion on new communication plan
  • Dividing the jobs to revise requirements, mockups, diagrams, and the project plan
  • Discussion on customer questions


  • We have met our new team members, and we are excited to work together this semester.
  • We decided to use Discord for our communications.
  • We decided to use Github Projects and prepare an issue template.
  • Cahid Arda Öz is our communicator this semester as well.
  • We examined the description of our first task. We divided the work for the task. These assignments can be seen in Action Items.
  • We decided our meeting date and time to be face-to-face on Tuesdays at 17:00.

Action Items

Item Responsible Person Due Date Relevant Issue
Create the new internal Discord channel Güney İzol 05/10/2022, 23:59 #246
Talk with the TA about Github Projects and issue templates Cahid Arda Öz 05/10/2022, 23:59 -
Update the communication plan Demet Yayla 05/10/2022, 23:59 #244
Review and update the Requirements Sabri Mete Akyüz, Başak Önder, Cahid Arda Öz 05/10/2022, 23:59 #243
Review and update the mock-ups Erim Erkin Doğan, Musa Şimşek, Cahid Arda Öz 08/10/2022, 23:59 #247
Review and update the Use Case Diagram Ali Can Milani, Güney İzol 08/10/2022, 23:59 #248
Review and update the Class Diagram Can Atakan Uğur, Demet Yayla 08/10/2022, 23:59 #239
Review and update the Sequence Diagrams Everyone, on their own diagrams 09/10/2022, 23:59 Each member should track the work with their own issues.
Review and update the Project Plan Can Atakan Uğur and the Team Leaders* 10/10/2022, 23:59 #241
Think of and prepare questions for the Customer Meeting Cahid Arda Öz, with everyone's contribution 10/10/2022, 23:59 #242
  • For the Team Leaders, please check the relevant table below.

Teams for CMPE451


Member Lead
 Demet Yayla X
Başak Önder
Sabri Mete Akyüz


Member Lead
 Güney İzol X
Cahid Arda Öz
Erim Erkin Doğan


Member Lead
Atilla Türkmen X
Ali Can Milani
Can Atakan Uğur
Musa Şimşek


  • The updates for the communication plan are done.
  • The sub-teams are created for the development process.
  • Tasks for the repository revision task are divided between the team.