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Cmpe 352 Spring 2022 Group 7 Wiki Page


Welcome to the bounswe2022group7 wiki! We are computer engineering students at Boğaziçi University taking Fundamentals of Software Engineering course.

About Our Project

During both CMPE352 and CMPE451, we will be dealing with an online art platform.

Very fundamentally, our ultimate application shall be able to provide an online art platform where the users can visit online galleries, create offline art events, follow the artists, and communicate with each other.

We are all motivated for our project and ready to do our best! Ready for an exciting journey! 🚵‍♂️

Team Members

Former Team Members

Effort Trackers

Weekly personal effort trackers can be found in the sidebar.

Also, the page that contains links to each member's effort tracker can be found here.

🛠 Practice App - ArtShare

We implemented a community focused art sharing platform, named ArtShare for making practice on APIs and web development.

Our application is now live, and you can access ArtShare here!

👥 User Scenarios & Mockups

🗂 Software Design

🙋❓ Customer Meeting

📆 Planning

📚 Research