Sinan Kerem Gündüz - bounswe/bounswe2022group5 GitHub Wiki

Sinan Kerem Gündüz

Personal Wiki Page

About Me


Hello! My name is Sinan Kerem, I am currently studying Computer Engineering in Bogazici University. Interested in machine learning and web development. Besides these, I like watching movies and seeing theaters, playing football, and solving puzzles.

Area of Interests

  • Backend Development.
  • Machine Learning and AI applications.
  • Football.
  • Video Games.

Programming Languages

  • Python
  • Java
  • C#
  • C++

Contact Informations

Weekly Personal Efforts

Cmpe 352

Week #1 (01/03/2022 - 07/03/2022):
# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Researched and learned about Git and GitHub 1.5 hours Research
2 Learned key concepts of markdown language 45 minutes  Research
3 Created my personal wiki page 20 minutes Documentation
4 Edited the liked repositories page in the wiki. Added template. Created an issue in order to invite my group mates to share their favorite repos. 25 minutes Documentation
5 Researched and found a useful GitHub repository and shared it with my group mates on the liked repositories 30 minutes Research & Documentation
Week #2 (08/03/2022 - 14/03/2022):
# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended the first meeting of the week with the group. Which is the Meeting 2.1. Get the categorization of the requirements task. 80 minutes Meeting
2 Opened the #27 issue and assigned myself and Baver Bengin. Divided the requirements into smaller parts and categorized them as privacy, security, interface, search, performance and with many other titles. Additionally, subcategorized the categories with the corresponding enumerations. 1 hour Documentation
3 Read the documents which is prepared by my group mates about the unknown concepts and terms in the project. 30 minutes Research
4 Reviewed the issues #23 and #20. 10 minutes  Review
5 Attended the second meeting of the week. Which is the Meeting 2.2. Discussed about how we are going to manage the requirements page and the elicitation phase. Briefly reviewed the answers received by TA. Distributed the tasks of writing project requirements. 80 minutes Meeting
6 Updated my personal wiki page and filled the weekly efforts table for the second week. 20 minutes Documentation
Week #3 (15/03/2022 - 21/03/2022):
# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Opened the issue #34. According to the task of writing Search requirements that is assigned to me at the last week's meeting. 5 minutes Documentation
2 Filled in the search requirements of the project. 90 minutes Documentation
3 Reviewed the issue #31. 15 minutes Review
4 Attended the first meeting, Meeting 3.1 with the group. We have discussed about the elicitation of the requirements. 130 minutes Meeting
5 Reviewed the search requirements again according to the feedback that my group mates gave in the meeting. Made some rearrangements. 40 minutes Documentation
6 Researched about last years' repos in terms of scenarios and mockups. Formed an opinion about the structure. 30 minutes Research
7 Had a meeting with 3 of my group mates. Discussed about the scenario 2 and how we can manage it. We have opened the issue #43. Some content of the scenario 2's page was filled during the meeting such as user persona, story, preconditions, goals, actions, and acceptance criteria. 120 minutes Meeting & Documentation
8 Attended Meeting 3.1 with the whole group. Reviewed the completed parts of the scenarios and mockups. Discussed about the ongoing processes. 50 minutes Meeting
9 Prepared the website mockups with my group mate Yavuz Samet Topçuoğlu. 120 minutes Documentation
10 Reviewed the issue #44. 10 minutes Review
11 Updated my personal wiki page and filled the weekly efforts table for the third week. 15 minutes Documentation
Week #4 (22/03/2022 - 28/03/2022):
# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended customer meeting with Burak Suyunu. Received some feedback about the current situation of the project. Discussed about the requirements, scenarios and mockups. After the customer meeting, we stayed a bit in order to discuss about what we are going to do with respect to the given feedback.  120 minutes Meeting 
2 Attended Meeting 4.1. Discussed about SRS, and talked about the feedback that was given by the customer again. 30 minutes Meeting 
3 Updated my personal wiki page and filled the weekly efforts table for the fourth week.  5 minutes  Documentation
Week #5 (29/03/2022 - 04/04/2022):
# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended customer meeting 2 with Burak Suyunu. Received feedbacks about the requirements and some changes made according to the last feedback. 120 minutes Meeting
2 Attended Meeting 5.1 with all group mates. Discussed about the use case, class diagram process and started doing use case diagrams with an online chart site. 150 minutes Meeting
3 I edited the customer meeting 2 notes according to the notes that I have taken during the customer meeting. 30 minutes  Documentation
4 Attended Meeting 5.2. Continued the process of use case diagrams. Completed use case diagrams with the whole effort of the team during the meeting. Started briefly doing the class diagrams. 120 minutes Meeting
5 Attended Meeting 5.3. Continued the process of class diagrams and complete the first version of the diagram with the great effort of the every team member. Discussed about the sequence diagrams and tried to divide the labor equally among teammates. I have been assigned 3 of the sequence diagrams as assignee and 1 of the diagram as a reviewer. 240 minutes  Meeting
6 Updated my personal wiki page and filled the weekly efforts table for the fifth week.  10 minutes  Documentation
Week #6 (05/04/2022 - 11/04/2022):
# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Opened issue #56 which is creating the sequence diagram of making a comment. Assigned me and 2 of my group mates.   10 minutes  Documentation
2 Leaded the process of creating the sequence diagram "Make a comment", designed and created with the help of my 2 group mates. Assignees and the process can be seen from issue #56 1.5 hours Meeting, Documentation 
3 Helped the process of creating the sequence diagram "Reporting a comment". Worked with 2 group mates as issue #58 states. 1 hour  Meeting, Documentation
4 Helped the process of creating the sequence diagram "Doctor Verification". Worked with 2 group mates as issue #57 states. 45 minutes Meeting, Documentation
5 Attended Customer Meeting 3. Burak Suyunu gave feedback about the process of class, use case diagrams, and the sequence diagrams. Took notes and shared them with my group mates. After the customer meeting, we have discussed a little bit about the milestone, project plan and RAM process. 2 hours  Meeting, Discussion
6 After the customer meeting, according to the feedback given, I have made some rearrangements in the sequence diagram of "Making a comment" as #56. I have taken the advices of the assignees.  30 minutes Documentation
7 Reviewed the issue #54. Some great work done by my group mates.  25 minutes  Review 
8 Attended Meeting 6.1. Worked on and prepared the RAM of the project with the effort of whole group members. Determined the next meeting dates.   2 hours  Meeting, Documentation
9 Updated my personal wiki page and filled the weekly efforts table for the sixth week.  20 minutes  Documentation 
Week #7 (12/04/2022 - 18/04/2022):
# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended Customer Meeting 4. A brief feedback taken from the customer in terms of the RAM, Project plan, and diagrams. 120 minutes Meeting
2 Prepared the title page of our Milestone report 1 as stated in issue #68 45 minutes Documentation
3 Made some final reviews on the sequence diagram Making a Comment, some small changes made.  20 minutes  Documentation
4 Attended Meeting 7.1. Prepared the project plan and worked on the Milestone report 1 180 minutes  Documentation, Meeting
5 Updated my personal wiki page and filled the weekly efforts table for the seventh week.  20 minutes  Documentation 
Week #8 (19/04/2022 - 25/04/2022):
# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Read the assignment about the practice-app and researched some external API's that can be used in the app. 60 minutes Research
2 Updated my personal wiki page and filled the weekly efforts table for the eighth week.  5 minutes  Documentation 
Week #9 (26/04/2022 - 02/05/2022):
# Task Duration Type of Work
1 We have decided on Django and python in our practice-app. So I have started researching and learning about Django and corresponding tools. 120 minutes Research
2 Updated my personal wiki page and filled the weekly efforts table for the ninth week.  5 minutes  Documentation 
Week #10 (03/05/2022 - 09/05/2022):
# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended Meeting 10.1. With the participation of all group mates, we have splitted our practice-app into some pieces. Thought about GET and POST parts of needed endpoints for the project. Discussed about how to implement endpoints. 120 minutes Meeting
3 Attended Meeting 10.2. We have decided on the endpoints and separated them into 12 pieces in such a way that every endpoint includes GET and POST functionalities. I have been assigned to comment-info part of the practice-app project. A simple API that gets the information of a comment with a specific ID as the GET functionality, and updates that comment with given fields as the POST functionality.  110 minutes  Meeting 
2 Updated my personal wiki page and filled the weekly efforts table for the tenth week.  10 minutes  Documentation 
Week #11 (10/05/2022 - 16/05/2022):
# Task Duration Type of Work
1 I have opened the issue #84 which is about implementing the comment-info endpoint. In general, comment-info endpoint is simply gets a specific comment and updates it with the given fields. 15 minutes Documentation
2 I have researched some external API's again, and found weatherAPI to use in my endpoint  45 minutes Research 
3 I have implemented the GET and POST parts of the comment-info endpoint. Documented them on the Postman with the example usages. Pushed with pull request #90, and also see the relevant issue, #84. 330 minutes Coding, Documentation
4 With the pull request #110. I have implemented simple UI for the frontend of the API. Committed and pushed it to our shared GitHub. 120 minutes  Coding, Documentation
5 Opened issue #111, related with the unit tests of the endpoint.  10 minutes  Documentation 
6 Implemented unit tests and tested with my code with them. Endpoint successfully passed the tests. Committed, pushed and merged the tests with pull request #124. After merging, related issue is automatically closed. 250 minutes  Coding
7 Reviewed issues and pull requests: #86, #91, #94, #95, #98. Made some comments on the parts that can be updated, enhanced. 40 minutes  Review
8 Updated my personal wiki page and filled the weekly efforts table for the eleventh week.  30 minutes  Documentation 
Week #12 (17/05/2022 - 23/05/2022):
# Task Duration Type of Work
1 I have opened issue #143, which is the overall enhancements in the endpoint. Such as, some minor bug fixes, moving the API key to the .env file. 15 minutes Documentation
2 Made the enhancements, also some minor bugs fixed. Together with pull request #155, We have merged the code in to our master. Related issue has been closed. 180 minutes  Coding 
3 Attended Meeting 12.1. We have created the class diagram, use case diagram and project plan in the meeting. Contributed them together with all my group mates. 210 minutes  Meeting, Documentation 
4 I have prepared "Update comment" sequence diagram and putted it to our Milestone Report 2 deliverables.  45 minutes  Documentation
5 Filled the individual part in the Milestone Report 2 75 minutes  Documentation 
6 Attended Meeting 12.2. We have deployed our practice-app together with my group mates.  135 minutes  Meeting, Coding 
6 Reviewed issues and pull requests: #135, #137, #138  30 minutes Review
7 Attended Meeting 12.3. We have finalized our milestone report, and together we have uploaded to the Moodle page. 60 minutes Meeting, Documentation
8 Updated my personal wiki page and filled the weekly efforts table for the twelfth week.  30 minutes  Documentation 

Cmpe 451

Week #1 (04/10/2022 - 10/10/2022):
# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attented to the Meeting 13.1 100 minutes Meeting
2 Updated the Communication plan page for the rest of the semester, related issue is #174 20 minutes  Documentation 
3 Created the place for this semesters weekly notes in my personal wiki page, and slightly updated it.  25 minutes Documentation
4 I have reviewed the Requirements in order to remember them and correct if there are any mistakes 45 minutes  Review
5 Reviewed the issue #169 which is related with creating the issue template   15 minutes  Review
Week #2 (11/10/2022 - 17/10/2022):
# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attented to the Meeting 14.1 together with Customer Meeting 5 120 minutes Meeting
2 As stated in the issue #178, reviewed and made the necessary changes together with Yavuz Samet Topçuoğlu to the Use Case Diagram 90 minutes  Review & Documentation 
3 Reviewed the issue #182 and the related scenarios and mockups stated in the issue. 25 minutes Review
4 Made some research about the technologies that we can use while implementing the project. I especially focused on the frontend technologies 60 minutes  Research
Week #3 (18/10/2022 - 24/10/2022):
# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attented to the Meeting 15.1 110 minutes Meeting
2 Reviewed the issue #185. 20 minutes Review
3 Started learning React and Design principles made in react. 150 minutes  Research
4 Attended Frontend Meeting 1. Thanks to Burak Mert, it was very clear and fast introduction and initialization of the structure. Afterwards, we have made some designs on the figma that we can use while implementing the code.  120 Minutes Meeting
Week #4 (25/10/2022 - 31/10/2022):
# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended Meeting 16.1 110 minutes Meeting
2 Continued Working on react, html and css and some designs 120 minutes Research
3 As Stated in issue #235, I have implemented the navigation bar as a component in react. 200 minutes  Implementation
4 Opened PR #256 related with the issue #235 which is the implementation of the navigation bar 20 Minutes Documentation
5 As Stated in issue #250, I have implemented the homepage layout that we will use as a landing page in the website. And inserted Posts and Articles component that my teammates created in it.  210 minutes  Implementation 
6 Opened PR #257 related with issue #250  20 minutes Documentation 
7 Opened a quick PR #259 related with issue #258, it was about some alignments in the homepage.  10 minutes Documentation 
8 Implemented and opened PR #267 to hide Create Post Button whenever user not logged in. Related issue was #265 45 minutes Implementation & Documentation 
9 Reviewed issue #202 about the login and signup pages.  20 minutes  Review 
10 Created Scenario 2 for the demo of the website together with Alper Canberk Balcı and Engin Oğuzhan Şenol in a meeting as issue #266 states.  75 minutes  Meeting & Documentation 
Week #5 (01/11/2022 - 07/11/2022):
# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Has Written Executive Summary for the Milestone 1 together with Engin Oğuzhan Şenol 45 minutes Documentation
2 Reviewed issue #263 for frontend code conventions 20 minutes Review
3 Took note in the Milestone 1 Presentation 20 minutes  Documentation
4 Reviewed issue #274 for the communication plan of frontend team  10 minutes  Review
5 Updated my personal wiki page  5 minutes Documentation
Week #6 (08/11/2022 - 14/11/2022):
# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended Meeting 18.1 120 minutes Meeting
2 Added notes that I have taken during presentation to Milestone 1 Presentation Notes page as issue #283states. 30 minutes Documentation
3 Updated my personal wiki page  5 minutes Documentation
Week #7 (15/11/2022 - 21/11/2022):
# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended Meeting 19.1 120 minutes Meeting
3 Updated my personal wiki page  5 minutes Documentation
Week #8 (22/11/2022 - 28/11/2022):
# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended Meeting 20.1 120 minutes Meeting
2 Started searching a text input component to be used in create-post page 30 minutes Research
2 Updated my personal wiki page  5 minutes Documentation
Week #9 (29/11/2022 - 05/12/2022):
# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended Meeting 21.1 120 minutes Meeting
2 Continued searching a text input component to be used in create-post page and found one as React-Quill 20 minutes Research
3 Created post creation page for the frontend as issue #362 states. 150 minutes  Coding
4 Created Article Creation page for the frontend as issue #365 states.  100 minutes  Coding
5 Improving the existing code in the HomePage and NavBar, adding the functionalities of necessary buttons. More info in the issue #363 120 minutes  Coding 
6 Created Pull requests for the above issues and solutions as #371, #372, #373, #377 30 minutes Coding, Documentation
7 Prepared my individual report for milestone and reviewed the milestone document.  60 minutes Documentation
8 Reviewed issue #367, #384  20 minutes  Review
9 Updated my personal wiki page  25 minutes Documentation
Week #10 (06/12/2022 - 12/12/2022):
# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended Customer Milestone 2 Presentation / Meeting. 180 minutes Meeting
2 Documented my personal effort to the Customer Milestone Deliverables 2 45 minutes Documentation
Week #11 (13/12/2022 - 19/12/2022):
# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Started researching about a ChatBot implementation, looked for components/online bots which can be useful 180 minutes Research
2 Attended Meeting 23.1  120 minutes Meeting 
2 Documented my personal effort to the Customer Milestone Deliverables 2 45 minutes Research
3 Had a small meeting with mobile team about chatbot implementation and tree structure. 60 minutes  Meeting
Week #12 (20/12/2022 - 27/12/2022):
# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Continued on research of ChatBot implementation examples online together with Engin Oğuzhan Şenol , Ozan Kılıç 90 minutes Research
2 Attended Meeting 24.1  120 minutes Meeting 
3 Opened issue #466, which is about integrating the ChatBot we have found to our codebase. And Implemented. 40 minutes Documentation
4 Opened issue #489, to fill in the chatbot tree together with mobile team 20 minutes Documentation
4 Opened issue #493, Implemented delete functionality on our website. Integrated it with Posts and added button to delete posts. 150 minutes Documentation, Implementation
5 Opened issue #511, Small issue to change the botID in the codebase. 20 minutes Documentation, Implementation
6 Opened PR #488 related with issue #466  10 minutes Pull Request
7 Opened PR #497 related with issue #493  15 minutes Pull Request
8 Opened PR #513 related with issue #511  5 minutes Pull Request
9 Together with Engin Oğuzhan Şenol and Ozan Kılıç, Added nodes and leaves to the tree in the external panel of the ChatBot that we have decided to use. 120 minutes Documentation, Enhancement
10 Updated my personal effort  25 minutes  Documentation
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