Scenario 1 - bounswe/bounswe2022group5 GitHub Wiki

User Persona

  • Photo:
  • Name: Michael Typhoon
  • Age: 28
  • Job: Security Guard at a Bank
  • Michael's Story:
    • He loves playing basketball with his work friends on the weekends.
    • He took a bank loan to invest in his side project lately.
    • He wants to lose weight, lately. Started a calorie-deficit diet and exercised more intensely.
    • He had been playing basketball for 20 minutes and he became dizzy and fainted.
    • Next day at work he felt dizzy again and started to see blurry.


  • Michael is already a registered user and a member of the site.
  • He has logged in to his account.
  • Home Page is opened on his device.


  • He wants to find out the reason for his discomfort and possible solutions.
  • He wants to acquire knowledge from verified entities/professionals.


1. He is on the Home Page that is actually the Forum. On the website, he can see the top: Forum, Articles, and Chatbot buttons. In the mobile app, these buttons are at the bottom of the interface. 2. He clicks the "Create a Post" button on the website (The pen icon on the right-bottom corner). The page for creating a post is opened.
3. He fills the title and body parts of the post.
4. He adds categories and tags for the post.
5. He clicks the "Post" button and posts his question/post on the forum. And closes the app.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Members shall be able to sign-in to the system using their e-mail and their password.
  • Registered users shall be able to create discussion threads by creating a post in the forum.
  • Registered users shall add a title and body while creating a post.
  • All users shall be able to see discussion threads.
  • Registered users shall be able to add tags to their posts.
  • System shall provide a searching mechanism that all users can use to search.
  • System shall provide a searching mechanism that searches discussion threads and articles by categories.
  • System shall show the number of upvotes given to a post or a comment in that post or comment.
  • System should show the number of downvotes given to a post or a comment in that post or comment.
  • 2.1.1 The system shall have a web application/interface, available through web browsers such as Chrome & and it shall have a native Android application, available through Android systems.


  1. He is on the Home Page which is actually the Forum. On the website, he can see the top: Forum, Articles, and Chatbot buttons. In the mobile app, these buttons are at the bottom of the interface.



  1. He clicks the "Create a Post" button on the website (The pen icon on the right-bottom corner). The page for creating a post is opened.



  1. He fills the title and body parts of the post.



  1. He adds categories and tags for the post.



  1. He clicks the "Post" button and posts his question/post on the forum. And closes the app.

