Repositories We Like - bounswe/bounswe2022group5 GitHub Wiki

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Yolact supplies a great open-source model library for real-time instance segmentation. This repository is created by some independent developers which are immensely skilled in the area of Deep-Learning and AI. Yolact codebase can be used also for instance detection. There are approximately 50 different object class in their related config files. I needed an instance segmentation model for my job and Yolact produces most successful results among the codebases I researched. It is easier to use than other repositories about instance segmentation. However, there is no enough instruction for different environments to work with this repository. For example, there should be more directives to run Yolact models without GPU computing.

Burak Mert

Tech Interview Handbook

Tech Interview Handbook is an handbook, as the name suggests, which is created to help developers to prepare for challenging coding interviews. It contains interview preparation materials such as example questions, coding interview cheatsheet and algorithm tips. They also have a website. Even though they moved some material to the website for conveniency recently, they still have content in the repository like algorithms. The content is useful for anybody who wants to be a software engineer in a good company. In their README file, everything is well described and you can easily access to what you are interested in through links. I think any software engineering student can find a useful and interesting material for themself in this repository.

Kardelen Demiral

Public APIs

This repository aims to become a guide to public APIs that is free to use. It is ready to use for side projects with 51 category and 1427 APIs. You can also support. You can reach the contribution guide here. Although I know that there are many such services on the Internet, I have found many free APIs to be provided in a classified way successful. Most of them were working properly and were of good quality.

Mehmet Emre Akbulut


As you can understand from the title, this repository is a free source for learning web development. Currently, it contains 24 lessons and it starts from the basics of Javascript and web scripting, then continues with real time examples. In general, it focuses on the frontend development but, it touches on some key concepts of backend development as well. I suggest this repo for enhancing web skills especially if you're at the beginning of the way.

Sinan Kerem Gündüz

Build Your Own X

Build Your Own X is a repository including links to tutorials for coding different concepts like a neural network, search engine or visual recognition system. There are nearly 30 concepts to build and every concept is explained step by step. Some instructions also contain videos describing how to implement that concept. It is a very useful repository and it can also be used just for fun. Implementing a project is a good way to learn new concepts and gain expertise in a programming language. As a negative comment I can say that they should add a wiki home page to help newcomers and labels to issues to use them more efficient.

Mehmet Akif Yılmaz

TensorFlow Compression

This repository is a compression library for python. It contains data compression tools for TensorFlow. The library is generally used to build Machine Learning Models. It is useful to represent any kind of data in a storage-efficient way. There are sacrifices throughout the process, but the authors of the library promise that the sacrification is a tiny fraction of the model. I like this repository because, in a world where we know that 98% of the global data is produced within the last two years, we need compression immediately, especially with good converting ratios. In addition to its usage, the repository's README file is clear enough for an outsider to understand.

Yavuz Samet Topcuoglu


NumPy is a package used for scientific calculations and computing with Python, powered by NumFOCUS. It is one of the most well-known packages in Python, used by many data scientists around the world. It helped me with its more basic methods in my projects and homeworks when I used Python. The repository of NumPy is very elegant and easy to understand. Wiki page is very detailed and divided into subcategories for easy accesibility, also issues are very specific and well-made. It currently has over 6.7k forks and more than 19k stars.

Baver Bengin Beştaş


ShortID is a little but very efficient program to solve crucial things. The package ShortID generates unique, URL-friendly ids. It guarantees uniqueness for 34 years. The standard Id length is 9 symbols and it uses your given alphabet to create unique ids. This package is also safe to concurrency and supports up to 32 workers all providing unique sequences from each other. So we can improve our program performance in this way.

Oğuzhan Demirel


Open Source Computer Vision Library
OpenCV is an open source library for image processing and performing computer vision tasks. It can be used to perform tasks like face detection, objection tracking, landmark detection, etc. It supports multiple languages, such as Python, Java, and C++. The repository has a basic outline. The labels and issues opened are well used. Being an open source library, OpenCV has 50.4k forks, currently.

Alper Canberk Balcı


This repo serves like an index page for any software-related topic. It includes lists for a wide range of topics, which a software engineer can find any information that he or she seeks about a software platform or a programming language. One can find many tutorials, books, videos for any kind of software topic, such as front-end development, back-end development, databases, networking, CLI apps, big data etc. İt can be said that one can search this repo instead of Googling a software topic. Currently, it has 23k forks and 192k stars.

Halil Burak Pala


Scikit-learn Library
Scikit-learn (formerly scikits.learn and also known as sklearn) is a free software machine learning library for the Python programming language. It features various classification, regression and clustering algorithms including support-vector machines, random forests, gradient boosting, k-means and DBSCAN, and is designed to interoperate with the Python numerical and scientific libraries NumPy and SciPy. Scikit-learn is a NumFOCUS fiscally sponsored project.

Buse Tolunay


Visual Studio Code
VSCode is a software development environment developed by Microsoft. It can be used in multiple operating systems such as Windows, Linux, or macOS. It aims to facilitate the work of the programmer with debugging, syntax highlighting, intelligent code completion features. VSCode is also the most used code development environment according to Stack Overflow. Also, one can make changes to a repository on GitHub by using VSCode. In the GitHub repository, Windows share its plans and roadmaps for developing the VSCode. It is accepted that developers can contribute to the depository by submitting bugs or changing the source code. Wiki page of the VSCode's GitHub repository also describes how to contribute to the project and gives information about how to use the VSCode.

Engin Oğuzhan Şenol