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Hippocrates Mobile Application

Welcome to Android application of Hippocrates!

Hippocrates is a medical experience sharing plotform. Users can share any medical-related issues by posts, comments and read articles written by doctors.

This is the manual of the Android application of the Hippocrates.

Table of Contents

User Manual

1. Signing up

  • To sign up to our application, use sign-up page of our app. You can access sign-up page from the landing page, which is log-in page. In the newly opened sign-up page, firstly choose your account type. There are two account types: Member and Doctor. If you are a doctor and you can send us a demonstrative document about that, you can register as a Doctor. Otherwise, regular users should choose Member user type. After choosing your user type, you can fill the form and submit it. After signing up, you can log in and use the app.
Tap 'Log in' Choose your user type (1) Choose your user type (2)

Member sign-up Doctor sign-up (1) Doctor sign-up (2)

2. Logging in

  • To log-in to the app, just use log-in page which is the landing page of the app. You can also browse in the app without logging in, but you will not be able to create posts, comments, articles, upvote-downvote them or create annotations.
Log in page To use the app without logging in

3. Home Page: Browse the app

  • Home page is the page where you can reach contents of the app.
  • Our app consists of three main sections. You can browse these sections by the bottom bar.
  1. Forum: You can read and create posts, comments.
  2. Articles: You can read articles written by doctors, create a new one if you are a doctor.
  3. Chatbot: You can use to discover the category related to your problem.
1. Forum 2. Articles 3. Chatbot
  • You can use drawer to reach your profile page and categories. You can reach log-in page if you are not registered to the app yet.
Drawer can be reached from here If you are registered If you are not registered

4. Post Page

  • You can read a post and its comments created by our Registered Users. If you are logged in as a Registered User, you can upvote or downvote a post or comment, and you create a comment on this post.
1- Post owner and post creation time
2- Post category
3- Post title and body
4- Options button
5- Labels of the post
6- Comment creation button (visible to only logged in users)
7- Upvote button (works only for logged in users)
8- Downvote button (works only for logged in users)
9- Comment body
10- Comment creator and creation time

5. Article Page

  • You can read an article created by our Doctor users. If you are logged in as a Registered User, you can upvote or downvote it.
1- Article owner and creation time
2- Article category
3- Article title and body
4- Options button
5- Labels of the article
6- Upvote button (works only for logged in users)
7- Downvote button (works only for logged in users)
8- Images link if applicable

6. Post Creation

  • To create a post, you should be a Registered User. After logging in and tapping on the floating button in the bottom-left corner of the Forum page, you will be directed to the post creation page. In the post creation page, you can fill the post creation form and then submit your post.
1- Category selection
2- Add tags describing your post
3- Add title of the post
4- Write the body of your post
5- You can add images to your post if you want
6- You can add your location info if you want
7- You can cancel the post creation
8- Submit the post

7. Comment Creation

  • To create a comment under a post, you should be a Registered user_. After logging in and entering a post page and tapping on the Comment button on the left corner of the post body, you will be directed to the comment creation page. In the comment creation page, you can fill the comment creation form and then submit your comment to that post.
1- Write your comment
2- You can add images to your comment if you want
3- You can add your location info if you want
4- You can cancel the post creation
5- Submit the comment

8. Article Creation

  • To create an article, you should be a Doctor user. After logging in and tapping on the floating button in the bottom-left corner of the Articles page, you will be directed to the article creation page. In the article creation page, you can fill the article creation form and then submit your article.
1- Category selection
2- Add tags describing your article
3- Add title of the article
4- Write the body of your article
5- You can add images to your article if you want
6- You can cancel the article creation
7- Submit the article

9. Article/Post/Comment Deletion

  • You can delete your articles, posts and comments if you want. Just use the options button that is on the upper left corner of the item and tap the Delete option.

10. Categories Page and Category Following

  • We show more relevant posts to you according to your followed categories. You can browse the categories and follow/unfollow them in the Categories page. You can reach Categories page from the drawer. To follow a category, you need to be a Regitered User.

11. Searching

  • To search an article or a post, you should first go to the search page. Below, you can see how you can reach to search article and search post pages:
  • From the search post page, you can search posts either by a category, a keyword or geolocation using corresponding buttons:
  • Below, you can see how you can search posts by a category or a keyword:
Search Post by Category Search Post by Keyword
  • To search post by geolocation, you should first allow the location access. The location access permission pop-up will appear if the application has not received your permission yet. After giving the permission, select the diameter of the geolocation search from the geolocation search page. You can do it by following the below steps:
  • From the search article page, you can search articles either by a category or a keyword:
  • Below, you can see how you can search articles by a category or a keyword:
Search Article by Category Search Article by Keyword

12. Chatbot

  • Users can find the related category about their condition by using the Chatbot decision tree. They can click the options offered to communicate with the Chatbot.
1- Chatbot's question
2- User's response
3- Options for users to select
4 - Chatbot's response

13. User Profile Page and Activity History

  • In the user profile page, a registered user can see their personal information and avatar/profile picture. The personal information can be edited by clicking the edit button.
  • Also, a user can see its all activity history by clicking the buttons below the personal information. While Posts, Comments, Upvoted Posts, and Upvoted Articles are available for all registered users, Articles are only for the doctor.
1- Edit Profile Button
2- Personal Information
3- Post History Button
4- Upvoted Article History Button
5- Article History Button
6- Comment History Button
7- Upvoted Post History Button
  • In the edit profile page, a user can fill the box to change their personal information by clicking the submit button. While doctors can change their hospital name, members can change their username.
1- Information text field
2- Cancel Button
3- Submit Button
  • A user can see their activity history in related pages. User can click the specific article, post, or comment to view it.
1. Article History 2. Post History 3. Comment History
4. Upvoted Article History 5. Upvoted Post History

14. Annotations

  • Our mobile app includes text annotation functionality. You can create text annotations in a post or in an article. To create an annotation, select the text you want to annotate. Then tap on the Annotate option. Annotations you created are visible to other users also.
  • To see other annotations, use the options button that is on the upper left corner of the item and tap on the See Text Annotations option. In the new page, you can see other text annotations created in this post. You can delete an annotation by tapping on the trash icon if you want.

System Manual

  • There are two options to use our app by using your Android device or your Android emulator:

    • You can run the Flutter application.
    • You can download the APK version and run it.
  • This manual explains how to run this app using an Android emulator in your computer.

  1. Download an Android emulator with Android Studio through this link.
  2. Make sure you have Flutter in your machine. To download Flutter, use this link.
  3. Set up an emulator using device manager. Then run the emulator.

To run the Flutter project using Android Studio,

  1. Clone this repository to your machine.
  2. In your Android Studio, import our Flutter project by navigating to the bounswe2022group5/app/mobile/bounswe5_mobile.
  3. Go to Edit Configurations section in the Android Studio, add --no-sound-null-safety option to Additional run args. (For more info, check this link.)
  4. Run the application.

To run the Flutter project by terminal,

  1. Clone this repository to your machine.
  2. Navigate to the Flutter project folder bounswe2022group5/app/mobile/bounswe5_mobile.
  3. Run this command: flutter run --no-sound-null-safety.

To use APK version,

  1. Download the APK to your computer through this link.
  2. Drag and drop the APK file to your emulator. This downloads the app to your emulator.
  3. In the apps, you can see the Hippocrates. You can use the app.
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