Meeting Notes Template - bounswe/bounswe2022group5 GitHub Wiki
Meeting W.M
("W" represents the Wth week, "M" represents Mth meeting of this week)
Meeting Information
Date | dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm - hh:mm |
Platform | Cmpe Building, BM4, Lab Session; Discord; or another |
Note Taker - Reviewer | Note Taker - Reviewer |
- Alper Canberk Balcı
- Baver Bengin Beştaş
- Burak Mert
- Engin Oğuzhan Şenol
- Halil Burak Pala
- İrfan Bozkurt
- Kardelen Demiral
- Mehmet Emre Akbulut
- Oğuzhan Demirel
- Ozan Kılıç
- Sinan Kerem Gündüz
- Yavuz Samet Topçuoğlu
- Brief description of the meeting.
(List of topics that will be discussed in the meeting)
A. Reporting each task performed by each team last week. A quick review and information/catching up session. These talking points should be written by the team member that will talk about that task, before the meeting.
- Backend:
1.1 Task-1
1.2 Task-2 - Mobile:
2.1 Task-1
2.2 Task-2 - Frontend
3.1 Task-1
3.2 Task-2
B. Tasks that are going to be done in the meeting, apart from reporting talks and discussions.
(List of discussion items talked about in the meeting, among the members, with customer, or T.A. Put emphasis on key aspects by using markdown, please.)
- Discussion item 1
- Discussion item 2
- Discussion item 3
Action Items
# | Task | Assignee | Task Deadline | Reviewer | Review Deadline |
1 | [Specify Team] Task description, at least candidate to be the issue title or beyond more detailed. | Assignee Name | Deadline Date | Reviewer Name | Deadline Date |
2 | [Specify Team] Task description | Assignee Name | Deadline Date | Reviewer Name | Deadline Date |
Additional Notes
- Note 1:
- Note 1.1
- Note 1.2
- Note 2...
Next Meeting Info
Date | dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm - hh:mm |
Platform | Cmpe Building, BM4, Lab Session; Discord; or another |