Meeting 13.1 - bounswe/bounswe2022group5 GitHub Wiki

Meeting 13.1

Meeting Information

Date 04/10/2022 15:20 - 17:00
Platform Cmpe Building, BM4, Lab Session
Note Taker - Reviewer Alper Canberk Balcı - Sinan Kerem Gündüz


  • Alper Canberk Balcı
  • Baver Bengin Beştaş
  • Burak Mert
  • Engin Oğuzhan Şenol
  • Halil Burak Pala
  • İrfan Bozkurt
  • Kardelen Demiral
  • Mehmet Emre Akbulut
  • Oğuzhan Demirel
  • Ozan Kılıç
  • Sinan Kerem Gündüz
  • Yavuz Samet Topçuoğlu


  • First meeting of the Fall Semester and CMPE451.
  • Every member is here, and we are welcoming the new comers İrfan and Ozan!


  • Going over the project, and the work done last semester.
  • Explaining the idea behind the project, and present the project to the new members.
  • Going over Scenarios, Requirements.


  • Receiving feedback from new members on phone number, authentication, messaging, articles, chatbot functionalities.
  • Talked about the scenarios and mockups. Final decisions about the Chatbot feature will be determined.
  • When to update the Requirements.
  • Changes needed for the Wiki Page.
  • Discussions about the communication plan for the course and for the group itself.

Additional Notes

  • Welcome to CMPE451!

Action Items

# Task Assignee Task Deadline Reviewer Review Deadline
1 Take a new group photograph. Upload it to Wiki Home Page. Baver Bengin Beştaş 10/10/2022 14:00 Ozan Kılıç 10/10/2022 20:00
2 Updating personal wiki pages. Everyone 11/10/2022 10:00 Everyone 11/10/2022 10:00
3 Editing Wiki Home Page. Halil Burak Pala 10/10/2022 14:00 Engin Oğuzhan Şenol 10/10/2022 19:00
4 Editing Sidebar. Kardelen Demiral 10/10/2022 14:00 Alper Canberk Balcı 10/10/2022 19:00
5 Listing questions and clarifications to refine the Requirements. Communicate with the customer about the list. Ozan Kılıç, Engin Oğuzhan Şenol 09/10/2022 20:00 Burak Mert, İrfan Bozkurt 10/10/2022 22:00
6 Editing Requirements Page according to the list. Burak Mert, İrfan Bozkurt 10/10/2022 14:00 Oğuzhan Demirel, Kardelen Demiral 10/10/2022 19:00
7 Updating Communication Plan, and its Wiki Page. Sending a poll to acquire eligible meeting times. Sinan Kerem Gündüz 10/10/2022 14:00 Mehmet Emre Akbulut 10/10/2022 19:00
8 Create an Issue Template. Upload it into Communication Plan. Yavuz Samet Topcuoglu 10/10/2022 14:00 Sinan Kerem Gündüz 10/10/2022 19:00
9 Revise the Meeting Notes Template. Alper Canberk Balcı 10/10/2022 14:00 Halil Burak Pala 10/10/2022 19:00
10 Adding the new members into our communication platforms. Oğuzhan Demirel 10/10/2022 14:00 Baver Bengin Beştaş 10/10/2022 19:00
11 Revise the Scenarios and Mockups, make adjustments needed. Mehmet Emre Akbulut 10/10/2022 14:00 Yavuz Samet Topçuoğlu 10/10/2022 19:00
12 Decide upon the technologies we might use on backend, frontend and mobile development. Together 10/10/2022 20:00 Together 10/10/2022 21:00

Next Meeting Info

Date 11/10/2022 15:00 - 17:00
Platform Cmpe Building, BM4, Lab Session