Meeting 12.3 - bounswe/bounswe2022group5 GitHub Wiki
Meeting 12.3
Meeting Information
Date : 19/05/2022 16:00 - 17:00
Duration : 1 hour
Platform : Discord
- Meeting for completing our milestone 2 for this semester.
- Completing the milestone report.
- Uploading it to our repo.
- Submitting it to moodle.
- We completed our report.
- We created a new folder in our repo named deliverables and uploaded our milestone deliverables.
- Emre submitted our deliverables for this milestone to moodle.
Additional Notes
- Every team member should submit his/her own deliverables to moodle before midnight.
- This was the last team meeting of this semester. We wished each other luck in the final exams.
See you in CMPE 451 Fall 2022!