Meeting 1.1 - bounswe/bounswe2022group5 GitHub Wiki
Meeting 1.1
Meeting Information
Date : 02.03.2022 22:00-23:45 GMT+3
Platform : Google Meets
- The First meeting of the CmpE352 - Study Group 5, Online.
- Getting to know each other.
- Going over the Assignment0 and Assignment1.
- Creating wiki Home page.
- Our communication plan.
- Workload distribution.
- Getting familiar with Github wiki, how to use markdown, and the course content through the semester.
- Meeting Notes Template.
- Issues and how to use them.
Action Items
- Prepare our communication plan page on wiki - Halil, Oğuzhan
- Open Discord and Slack Channels - Baver, Burak; Emre, Canberk
- Modifying the README document of our repository - Kardelen, Engin
- Creating personal wiki pages that will contain weekly effort - Everyone
- Researching repos and selecting favourites - Everyone
- Creating a collective wiki page for the Research we did about our favourite repos. - Mehmet Akif, Kerem
- Creating a page to document the research we performed to learn how to use Github - Yavuz Samet
- Customizing the “issues” by specializing them. i.e. Creating varying labels. - Everybody can add to the Issue #4 Canberk created.
- Creating a Poll (or another method, like When2Meet) to Determine the weekly meeting date. - Buse, Engin
- Creating pages for the first meeting notes and the meeting notes template on wiki - Canberk
- Creating personal wiki pages that will also contain Weekly Personal Effort - Everybody
- Creating the wiki page containing these personal wiki pages to organize them. - Canberk
Additional Notes
- We can find an alternative site to codeshare for meeting notes.
Next Meeting Info
Date : 07-03-2022 20:00 GMT+3
Platform : Discord/? (Newly created channel)