Engin Oğuzhan Şenol - bounswe/bounswe2022group5 GitHub Wiki

Personal Information


Engin Oğuzhan Şenol small

Hello, I am Engin Oğuzhan Şenol. I am a senior student at Boğaziçi University Computer Engineering Department. This is my personal wiki page for CMPE352 and CMPE451 courses. My goal is to develop as a better software engineer by improving my computer skills. Besides that, I am the co-captain of the university handball team. I love watching NBA.


  • C/C++
  • Python
  • Java
  • SQL
  • Power Apps
  • Power Automate


  • Handball
  • Basketball
  • Running
  • Crosswords
  • Techno Music
  • Movies
  • Sitcoms
  • Brewing


Weekly Personal Efforts

CMPE 451

Week 25 (27.12.2022 - 02.01.2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Prepared the status of the requirements for Final Milestone Report. 2 hours Task
2 Filled my summary of work performed 45 minutes Documentation
3 Prepared the individual milestone report 1.5 hours Documentation
4 Opened the issue #541. 15 minutes Task

Week 24 (20.12.2022 - 26.12.2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended Meeting 24.1. Last meeting before the final milestone. 2 hours Meeting
2 Implementing the chatbot for mobile application 5 hours Enhancement
3 Implementing the tree Q/A configurations of the ChatBot 1.5 hours Task
4 Implementing updating medical history 4 hours Enhancement
5 Implementing redirecting to doctor's profile page 3 hours Enhancement
6 Bug fixing in chatbot implementation 2 hours Bug Fix
7 Bug fixing in post creation 30 minutes Bug Fix
8 Implemented and created the pull requests #496, #510, #526, #532. 1 hour Enhancement
9 Reviewed and merged pull requests #474, #502, #517, #525, #527, #528, #530, #534.
10 Opened the issues #465, #490, #491, #524, #529, #533. Assigned to the issue #489. 1 hour Task

Week 23 (13.12.2022 - 19.12.2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended Meeting 23.1. Started to prepare for the next milestone as group 2 hours Meeting
2 Attended Mobile Meeting 6. Started to prepare for the final milestone as mobile team. 1 hours Meeting
3 Research about which Chatbot will be used for our application. 2 hours Research
4 Discussing with other teams to determine the questions and conversation tree of chatbot. 1.5 hours Discussion

Week 22 (06.12.2022 - 12.12.2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work

Week 21 (29.11.2022 - 05.12.2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended Meeting 21.1. Last meeting before the second milestone as group. 2 hours Meeting
2 Attended Mobile Meeting 5. Last meeting before the second milestone as mobile team. 1 hours Meeting
3 Finishing the edit profile page for mobile 2 hours Meeting
4 Creating activity history pages for articles, posts, comments, upvotes. 10 hours Enhancement
5 Implemented and created the pull requests #398, #422, #427. 45 minutes Enhancement
6 Reviewed and merged pull requests #389, #395, #396, #408, #425. 20 minutes Review
7 Opened the issues #399, #426. 30 minutes Task

Week 20 (22.11.2022 - 28.11.2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended Meeting 20.1. 2 hours Meeting
2 Creating initial pages for activity history and edit profile 2 hours Enhancement
3 Creating profile photo pop up. 4 hours Enhancement
4 Reviewed and merged pull requests #325, #326. 30 minutes Review
5 Created and be merged the pull request #346. 10 minutes Enhancement

Week 19 (15.11.2022 - 21.11.2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended Meeting 19.1. 2 hours Meeting

Week 18 (08.11.2022 - 14.11.2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended Meeting 18.1. Started to prepare for the next milestone, and took the meeting notes. 2 hours Meeting
2 Attended Mobile Meeting 4. Started to prepare for the second milestone as mobile team. 45 minutes Meeting

Week 17 (01.11.2022 - 07.11.2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work

Week 16 (25.10.2022 - 31.10.2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended Meeting 16.1. Started to prepare for the next milestone, and took the meeting notes. 2 hours Meeting
2 Finished implementing mobile profile page. 5 hours Task
3 Revised and edited requirements. 1 hour Task
4 Created pull request #228 which is connected to issue #228 and uploaded the meeting notes 20 minutes Task
5 Attended the Mobile Meeting 2. Connected screens together. 3 hours Meeting
6 Attended the Mobile Meeting 3. Added API Service Class together. 3 hours Meeting

Week 15 (18.10.2022 - 24.10.2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended Meeting 15.1. Started to prepare for the next milestone, and took the meeting notes. 2 hours Meeting
2 Installed Flutter, Android Studio and made necessary configuration 2 hours Task
3 Researched and studied Flutter for mobile development 4 hours Research
4 Attended the Mobile Meeting 1. Decided the screens for mobile. 1 hour Meeting
5 Edited and uploaded the meeting notes 20 minutes Task
6 Started to implement mobile profile page 5 hours Task

Week 14 (11.10.2022 - 17.10.2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended Meeting 14.1. 2 hours Meeting
2 Revised and edited some parts of the Meeting 14.1 Notes. 30 minutes Meeting
3 Opened issue #179. Edited and uploaded the Customer meeting 5 notes. 45 minutes Task

Week 13 (04.10.2022 - 10.10.2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended Meeting 13.1. Reunited with the group and met with the new members. 2 hours Meeting
2 Revised and edited the personal wiki page. Made changes to personal information and weekly personal efforts. 1 hour Task
3 Checked the new issue template. Opened issue #173 in accordance with new arrangements. 20 minutes Task
4 Revised the requirements. Commented the change ideas to the relative issue. 45 minutes Task
5 Filling the available hours in a pool to determine the weekly meeting time. 5 minutes Task
6 Reviewed the issue #171. Made suggestions about other pages that could be added to the wiki home page. 10 minutes Task

CMPE 352

Week 12 (17.05.2022 - 23.05.2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Continued to implement rate-comment endpoints using Django and REST Framework 5 hours Task
2 Committed and pushed what is implemented for rate comment, and created a pull request for the relevant issue. 20 minutes Task
3 Opened issue #134 for unit tests of implementing rate-comment endpoints. 5 minutes Task
4 Created a new branch named practice-app/testing/rate-comment#134 for the relevant issue. 5 minutes Task
5 Attended Meeting 12.1. Contributed to the use-case and class diagrams for the practice app. Contributed to the Milestone 2 report, project plan, and RAM. 3.5 hours Meeting
6 Implemented unit tests for rate-comment endpoints. 5 hours Task
7 Committed and pushed the unit tests for rate comment, and created a pull request for the relevant issue. 20 minutes Task
8 Opened issue #156 for bugs in rate-comment endpoints. 5 minutes Task
9 Fixed bugs for rate-comment endpoints 1 hour Task
10 Committed and pushed corrected rate comment endpoints, and created a pull request for the relevant issue. 5 minutes Task
11 Reviewed and merged the pull request: #153 10 minutes Task
12 Prepared Rate Comment sequence diagram. 15 minutes Task
13 Attended Meeting 12.2. Dockerized and deployed our practice app. 2 hours Meeting
14 Opened issue #161. Uploaded sequence diagrams to our wiki page. 30 minutes Task
15 Prepared individual Milestone 2 Report. 5 hours Task
16 Prepared the documentation of the rate-comment API using Postman 1 hour Task

Week 11 (10.05.2022 - 16.05.2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Opened issue #109 for implementing rate-comment endpoints. 10 minutes Task
2 Created a new branch named practice-app/feature/rate-comment#109 for the relevant issue. 5 minutes Task
3 Started to implement rate-comment endpoints using Django and REST Framework 10 hours Task

Week 10 (03.05.2022 - 09.05.2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended Meeting 10.1, discussed how to implement APIs and the initial structure of the practice app. 2 hours Meeting
2 Attended Meeting 10.2, and decided what we are going to do for the practice app. Divided the tasks for each member, which mine is rate-comment. 110 minutes Meeting

Week 9 (26.04.2022 - 02.05.2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Researched how to use GitHub, using pull requests, commits, pushes, and other necessary features. 1 hour Research
2 Researched how to use Django and REST framework. 2 hours Research

Week 8 (19.04.2022 - 25.04.2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Revised the Milestone 1 Deliverables before starting the practice app. 2 hours Research

Week 7 (12.04.2022 - 18.04.2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended Customer Meeting 3. Get feedback about diagrams and Milestone 1 Deliverables. 1 hour Meeting
2 Created Issue #71 for gathering deliverables for Milestone 1 Report. 5 minutes Task
3 Wrote personal effort to the Milestone 1 Report. 1 hour Task
4 Attended Meeting 6.3. Continued to the Milestone Report. 3 hours Meeting
5 Created the sequence diagram for doctor verification according to customer meeting 90 minutes Task
6 Changed the class diagram for doctor verification 10 minutes Task
7 Created the sequence diagrams for Chatbot Dialog and Approve an Article according to customer meeting 30 minutes Task
8 Uploaded the use-case diagram, class diagram, and sequence diagrams to the wiki page 20 minutes Task
9 Finalizing the deliverables and Milestone Report 1 for submission. 3 hours Task

Week 6 (05.04.2022 - 11.04.2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended Meeting 6.1. Discussed Milestone 1 and the project plan. 2 hours Meeting
2 Attended Meeting 6.2. Created RAM and project plan. 3 hours Meeting
3 Created a sequence diagram for doctor verification. 45 minutes Task
4 Contributed to the creation of a sequence diagram for chatbot dialog. 20 minutes Task
5 Contributed to the creation of a sequence diagram for approving an article. 15 minutes Task

Week 5 (29.03.2022 - 04.04.2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended Customer Meeting 2. Get feedback about requirements. 2 hours Meeting
2 Attended Meeting 5.1. Designed the Use-Case Diagram as a group for our project. 2.5 hours Meeting
3 Attended Meeting 5.3. Designed the Class Diagram as a group for our project. 4 hours Meeting
4 Created Issue #57 for creating a sequence diagram for doctor verification. 5 minutes Task

Week 4 (22.03.2022 - 28.03.2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended Meeting 4.1. Reviewed scenario and mockups. 30 minutes Meeting
2 Modified the Functional/Notification Requirements to add requirements for articles. 15 minutes Task
3 Checked the Glossary for requirements. Looked for adding a new item. 20 minutes Task

Week 3 (15.03.2022 - 21.03.2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended Meeting 3.1.Took responsibility for scenario and mockups for a patient which opens an article and read it. 130 minutes Meeting
2 Corrected requirements page and close the issue #37. 25 minutes Task
3 Created issue #45 for the scenario and mockups. 15 minutes Task
4 Created a template for the Scenario #3. 1 hour Task
5 Created a persona and scenario for the use case 90 minutes Task
6 Attended Meeting 3.2. Discussed what we have done this week. 25 minutes Meeting

Week 2 (08.03.2022 - 14.03.2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended Meeting 2.1.Discussed the project that was assigned to us. Determined the research that should be done for the project. 2 hours Meeting
2 Searched old repositories to acquire knowledge about how to conduct Requirements Elicitation. 90 minutes Research
3 Reorganized and edited the group wiki page. Added Communication Plan, Meeting Notes, and Research under the page. 45 minutes Task
4 Created issue #37 for the scenario and mockups. 15 minutes Task
5 Created the Functional/Notification Requirements. Added to the Requirements page. 45 minutes Task
6 Attended Meeting 2.2. Discussed requirements and equally distributed for elicitation. 80 minutes Meeting

Week 1 (01.03.2022 - 07.03.2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended Meeting 1.1.Took responsibility for the issues that I can make. 2 hours Meeting
2 Searched how to use GitHub such as creating issues or wiki pages. 1 hour Research
3 Created my personal wiki page. 30 minutes Documentation
4 Created a poll that group members can select their available times. Opened a new issue to determine the weekly meeting date. 30 minutes Task
5 Attended Meeting 1.2. Reviewed the issues that are still open. 40 minutes Meeting
6 Added my personal wiki page to the group wikipage and README file. 5 minutes Documentation
7 Searched repositories and found the most that I liked. Documented to the Liked Repositories 1 hour Documentation
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