Customer Meeting 4 - bounswe/bounswe2022group5 GitHub Wiki
Customer Meeting 4
Meeting Information
Date : 13/04/2022 17:00
Duration : 2 hours
Platform : Zoom
Customer: Burak Suyunu
Alper Canberk Balcı
Halil Burak Pala
Mehmet Emre Akbulut
Sinan Kerem Gündüz
Kardelen Demiral
Yavuz Samet Topçuoğlu
Mehmet Akif Yılmaz
Burak Mert
Engin Oğuzhan Şenol
Baver Bengin Beştaş
Oğuzhan Demirel
Buse Tolunay
- Meeting for getting feedback from TA about Sequence Diagrams and Milestone report, and receiving answers to questions which was asked in previous meetings.
- Getting feedbacks about sequence diagrams.
- Getting feedbacks about milestone report and project plan.
- Getting answers to questions.
- Some feedback about sequence diagrams were taken.
- What should be the detail level of the project plan?
- Answers to Use Case Diagram questions received.
- Further discussion about chatbot.
Feedbacks From Customer
1. Sequence Diagrams
- [status = 200] should be explained. Instead of status, we could write in natural language for database operations.
- It would be better if all sequence diagrams are similar by outlook.
2. Use Case Diagram
- Extend and include can be left as it is. We explained what we thought while drawing the diagram, it is consistent.
3. Project Plan
- The project plan is alright up to future project plan part.
- The future project plan does not need to be so fancy and complicated. It can be simpler but explanatory. It needs to help, not make it harder.