Customer Meeting 1 - bounswe/bounswe2022group5 GitHub Wiki

Customer Meeting 1

Meeting Information

Date : 23/03/2022 17:00

Duration : 2 hours

Platform : Zoom


  • Customer: Burak Suyunu

  • Alper Canberk Balcı

  • Halil Burak Pala

  • Mehmet Emre Akbulut

  • Sinan Kerem Gündüz

  • Kardelen Demiral

  • Yavuz Samet Topçuoğlu

  • Mehmet Akif Yılmaz

  • Burak Mert

  • Engin Oğuzhan Şenol

  • Baver Bengin Beştaş

  • Oğuzhan Demirel

  • Buse Tolunay


  • Meeting for getting feedback from TA about scenarios 1, 2, 3 and requirements, and asking questions about unclear parts of the project.


  • Getting feedbacks about scenarios and mockups
  • Getting feedbacks about requirements
  • Asking some questions about the project


  • Scenarios and mockups were presented and feedbacks were taken.
  • Requirements were presented and feedbacks were taken.
  • Some unclear parts were asked

Feedbacks From Customer

  1. You should consider the case where a patient does not know under which category should he/she post his/her post. Solutions:

    • There can be some helper means.
    • Can be solved by tags.
    • Selecting more than 1 categories can be implemented.
    • There can be a general category which contains these kind of posts.
    • Doctors can change the category of a post.
  2. Tag change of a post by a doctor can be shown in the Scenario 2. (No need to add this in mockups.)

  3. You should consider the case where there is no enough number of doctors in the system. In such a case who will write articles in the Articles section? Solutions:

    • Creating articles in the Articles section should be done also by users other than doctors:
    • Number of Upvotes-Downvotes can be an indicator of the quality of an article created by an user.
    • There can be a verification system in which doctors verify other users' articles. Users who get some number of verifications can also add articles to Articles section without verification.
  4. You can consider adding a personalized homepage. There can be some recommendations, or users can be able to follow some tags or categories.

Questions to Customer

  1. Should activity history be private (can be seen by user himself only)?

    • Answer: This is up to you.
  2. We think that a messaging system is not appropriate for this type of platform since there can be promotion of illegal drugs etc. What do you think? Is implementing a messaging system an obligation?

    • Answer: Your reasoning is logical. I will ask this to Prof. Uskudarlı.
  3. Should we keep separate sections for Listing and Sorting Requirements?

    • Answer: You can. This can provide you ease while coding.
  4. What can we do about chatbot? We are still not sure about the functionality of it.

    • Answer: You can use it for advanced search in the website, or you can use it for informing users.
  5. Is documentation of our requirements correct? Should we organize this page according to Software Requirements Specification?

    • Answer: There is no problem with current organization. Later maybe Prof. Uskudarlı can give you an assignment about SRS.
  6. We think that users can add some public personal info like age, height etc. Is there any problem with that?

    • Answer: No, on the contrary it is a good idea.