Buse Tolunay - bounswe/bounswe2022group5 GitHub Wiki

Personal Info

Hi, I'm Buse Tolunay. I am a junior computer engineering student at Bogazici University. I will use this wiki page for introducing myself and recording my weekly efforts for CMPE 352 course.

Contact Me

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Meet the team(https://github.com/bounswe/bounswe2022group5/wiki/Meeting-1.1). Got to know my teammates via whatsapp but could not attend the meeting .Even though I couldn`t attend the meeting I contacted with my teammates and got a task. 30 mins Meeting via whatsapp
2 Learned about wiki. 30 minutes Research
3 Learned about github, git and how to use them . 1 hour Research
4 Reviewed the issues.(https://github.com/bounswe/bounswe2022group5/issues/6). 35 minutes Documentation, Review
5 Found a good repository (Scikit-learn)and added info about it to our Liked Repositories wiki page. 45 minutes Research
6 Created my personal wiki page. 30 minutes Documentation
7 Attended the 2nd meeting.Meeting 1.2 40 minutes Meeting
8 Updated my wiki page and added weekly effort table. 40 minutes Documentation
Week 2 (08/03/2022 - 14/03/2022)
9 Attended the 3rd meeting:Meeting 2.1 90 minutes Meeting
10 Made a research about DBPedia and medical ontologies ;and added the research info to related wikipage. 60 minutes Research, Documentation