Backend Meeting 1.3 - bounswe/bounswe2022group5 GitHub Wiki
Date | 13/11/2022 22:00 - 23:00 |
Platform | Discord |
Note Taker - Reviewer | Alper Canberk Balcı - Irfan Bozkurt |
- Alper Canberk Balcı
- İrfan Bozkurt
- Mehmet Emre Akbulut
- Oğuzhan Demirel
- Brief meeting about the Task 13 in Meeting 18.1.
- Deciding on the table structure of the database (decided as PostgreSQL)
- Additional entities to the database are: Post, Comment, PostImage, CommentImage.
- We can add an ER Diagram painted by DBeaver.
New Tables
- id (pk)
- body
- date
- upvote
- downvote
- author (user) (fk)
- id (pk)
- title
- body
- date
- upvote
- downvote
- author (user) (fk)
- id (pk)
- image_url
- post (post) (fk)
- id (pk)
- image_url
- comment (comment) (fk)
Date | 15/11/2022 15:00 - 17:00 |
Platform | LAB BM4 |