Umut Deniz Şener - bounswe/bounswe2022group4 GitHub Wiki
- Hi! My name is Umut. I am a Senior Computer Engineering student at Bogazici University. I am interested in Blockchain Programming and Web Development. This year I am taking CMPE451 course and i am one of the Frontend Team members.
- React
- Solidity
- Javascript
- Python
- Web Development
- Blockchain Programming
- Cloud Computing
E-Mail: [email protected]
Github: umutdenizsenerr
Weekly Effort Tables
Week 1
Task Duration Type of Work Link(if any) Attended lecture and lab in class 3h Lecture Creating a new personal wiki page 2h Documentation Corresponding Issue Revision on Recommendation Requirements 2h Documentation Corresponding Issue Week 2
Task Duration Type of Work Link(if any) Attended to the first meeting with the team 2 h Meeting Meeting 1 Attended lecture and lab in class 3h Lecture Joining the updated communication channels 2h Implementation Corresponding Issue Make research on React function based component and React hooks 4h Research Corresponding Issue Create a code base for frontend team 2h Implementation Corresponding Issue Week 3
Task Duration Type of Work Link(if any) Attended to the second meeting with the team 2h Meeting Meeting 2 Attended to the second meeting with front-end team 2h Meeting Frontend Meeting 2 Attended lecture and lab in class 3h Lecture Create a navigation bar for web app 3h Implementation Corresponding Issue Learning Saas 2h Research Corresponding Issue Change the title of web page 0.5h Implementation Corresponding Issue Started to Implement Post and PostBox Component structure for Home Page 4h Implementation Corresponding Issue Week 4
Task Duration Type of Work Link(if any) Attended to the third general meeting with the team 2h Meeting Meeting 3 Attended to the third meeting with the front-end team 1h 30m Meeting Frontend Meeting 3 Attended to the fourth general meeting with the team 2h Meeting Meeting 3 Implement Post and PostBox Component structure for Home Page 4h Implementation Corresponding Issue Change dummy data for real case scenarios in PostBox Component 1h Implementation Corresponding Issue Creating A Base For Backend Connection 2h Implementation Corresponding Issue UI Improvement For Login Page 2h Implementation Corresponding Issue UI Improvement For Navigation Bar 2h Implementation Corresponding Issue UI Improvement For Home Page 2h Implementation Corresponding Issue Unit Tests for Home Page 3h Implementation Corresponding Issue Lifting State Up Login Information 1h 30m Implementation Corresponding Issue Documented my individual contribution report for the Milestone 1 1h 30m Documentation Corresponding Issue Contributed group review report for the Milestone 1 1h 30m Documentation Corresponding Issue Week 5
Task Duration Type of Work Link(if any) Attended to the fifth general meeting with the team 1h 30m Meeting Meeting 5 Attended to the sixth general meeting with the team 1h 30m Meeting Meeting 6 Attended to the third meeting with the front-end team 1h 30m Meeting Corresponding Issue Documenting Meeting Notes for the General Meeting 6 1h Documentation Corresponding Issue Contributed group review report for the Milestone 1 1h 30m Documentation Corresponding Issue