USER MANUAL - bounswe/bounswe2022group4 GitHub Wiki
User Manual
To use all functionalities offered in the application, one should first create an account. For doing that, the user should sign-up button on top-right of the screen
After signing up and entering the verification code, the user will be redirected to sign-in page to login the application. After login, he will be redirected to home-page as a logged in user. Note: The user can always enter the homepage but if they does not login the application, they cannot use the functionalities beside seeing the posts.
Here is a quick list of the functionalities we offer:
On the left-side of the nav-bar, they can enter the home page which button is a logo. Homapage is a page where the posts from all users are shown. There are 3 different buttons on the left side of the nav-bar. These are profile page, chat-bot and edit profile buttons. For profile page button, you can access your profile with directly clicking it. You can see your followers, name and username, profile photos and your posts under there. Edit profile page button is directly what it meant to be, have a functionality to edit your username or e-mail or password. And for the last-chatbot-, you can take a advice from our chatbot to ease your work.
On the middle of the nav-bar, you can see the search bar. It has a functionality to search given text into the all recorded posts and users and sorts them by their similarity. You can click their results and you can navigate to the related posts or users page.
On the right of the nav-bar, there are sign-in and sign-up or sign-out depending on the user registration. Clicking sign out makes you exit the application and redirects you to sign-in page. You lose login creditentals. Sign-in and sign-up buttons routes the user to their related pages.
For home page, which most of the users are expected to spend most of their time with, can be accessed independent of if there is any registered user or not. However, you can access the functionalities(except the seeing the posts) that is written below only when the user are already signed in.
At right side of the homepage, there is a categories component which is currently non-functional.
On the middle of the homepage, you can see our fancy 'Welcome to Heka' text. Under that there is a button for creating a post for the registered user. After clicking on it, the user sees a model that has header, body, categories which is the users post about, and photos which user can use as backup material.
User can edit or delete their posts but not others posts. Edit button which located in the upper-right side of the post opens the same model as create post but the info the post has in it will be already in the model. So user can edit their post by editing their previous version of the posts.
Also user can show comments under the posts by clicking 'Show the comments' button which is placed in bottom-left of the post model. User can add a comment to the post by clicking add a comment button which is placed next to the show comments button. It will open a new model for new comment.
User can delete their comment via pressing 'Delete' button upper-right side of the comments.
User can upvote/downvote the comments or the posts by clicking okayhand button or notokayhand button upper-right of the posts/comments model.
Also users can achieve the other users profile page by clicking their profile photos that is shown into their posts or comments.
Users can see whether the other user is regular user or doctor by their profile photos. Doctors have different profile photos than the regular user. Doctors have the doctor uniform photo with blue background while regular users only have a gray background with anonymous user photo.
Users can annotate the texts or photos of the posts by pressing and dragging selected portion of the annotation and writing a comment under it.
After accessing the other users profile page by clicking their profile photos under their posts, user can see the other user's posts, followers, e-mails, username vs. and can send a message by pressing a 'send a message' button to the other user. The user can see the messages sent by them or sent from the other by clicking chat button on the bottom-right of the homepage.
And last, for logout, user can click the sign-out button on right of the nav-bar. After pressing it, the user will be logged out and be redirected to sign-in page.
System Manual
Minimum Hardware Requirements:
- Processor: Pentium 4 (or equivalent)
- 2 GB RAM
- Hard disk space: 10 GB
- A connection to the Internet
Sofware Requirements: Docker, Docker compose
OS: Windows, Linux, MacOS
Browser: Google Chrome, Chromium, Mozilla Firefox
Run the application
Download the project on your local machine To run backend container please run the following commands:
cd backend/heka/ docker compose up
To run front container please run the following commands:
cd heka-front docker compose up
There are some global environment variables we can not provide on Github. We will contact with the TA and send them.