Milestone III Scenarios - bounswe/bounswe2022group4 GitHub Wiki
SCENARIO I - Searching for an Experience of Body Dysmorphia, Ihsan Kucuk
- Age: 24
- Job: Front-end Developer
- Ihsan has been working as a software developer for 2 years in the industry.
- He has a remarkably good analytic intelligence , which makes him successful in him professional career.
- He loves traveling to new places, exploring new tastes from different food cultures and trying them on him own, and night walks with him friends.
- However, he is always unhappy about his body condition, it's so much that it can be counted as obsession so he seeks help for that.
- He is not registered to the application.
- Ihsan wants to learn possible cures for his obsessions and how to stay better.
Acceptance Criteria
- Users shall be able to read a post shared by another user.
- Users shall be able to see all posts.
- Users shall be able to create posts.
- Users shall be able to edit their posts.
- Users shall be able to register with their e-mails, passwords and usernames.
- Users shall be able to receive a verification code to their email.
- Users shall be able to login with their e-mail and passwords.
- Users shall be able to enters the chatbot and take an advice from there.
- Users shall be able to sign-out from the application entering sign-out button.
- 2.1.2. The system shall be portable for website and application.
- 2.2.2. The system shall be available as a native web application in browsers.
Action List
- He opens the application and click Sign-Up button for registering the application.
- He fills the sign-up form and send sign-up button for registration.
- He looks the email sent by the website and enters the verification code.
- He is redirected to the sign-in page.
- He fills the sign-in page again for entering the application.
- He creates a post that explains his condition and select a category for his disease.
- Then he realizes he can change the explanation he did so he edited post and changed it.
- Then he uses chatbot for further medical advice but he did not find what he seeks since the bot just said it seek professional help.
- Finally, he log out from the application.
SCENARIO II - Helping the Others , Selim ARACI
- Age: 32
- Job: Doctor
- Selim has been a doctor for nearly 5 years and he wants to share his experience and knowledge for others.
- He has a habit into trying new websites from different areas and he usually tries them.
- He is not registered to the application.
- Selim wants to explore the new application and seeks help for others
Acceptance Criteria
- Doctor shall be able to read a post shared by another user.
- Doctor shall be able to see all posts.
- Doctors shall be able to register with their e-mails, passwords ,usernames, names, their degrees, their instutituons and their master category if there is any.
- Doctors shall be able to receive a verification code to their email.
- Doctors shall be able to login with their e-mail and passwords.
- Doctors shall be able to see the comments under the posts.
- Doctors shall be able to add a comment under the posts.
- Doctors shall be able to delete their comments under the posts.
- Users shall be able to sign-out from the application entering sign-out button.
- Doctors shall be able to see users profile page by clicking their profile photo.
- Doctors shall be able to see users posts into their profile pages.
- Doctors shall be able to send a message to users by their profile pages.
- Doctors shall be able to upvote/downvote the posts/comments by clicking their button.
- Doctors shall be able to annotate a work or photo into the users posts.
- Doctors shall be able to see the post page by clicking POST PAGE into the posts.
- 2.1.2. The system shall be portable for website and application.
- 2.2.2. The system shall be available as a native web application in browsers.
Action List
He opens the application and clicks sign-up button for registering.
He fills the form for registration and clicks sign-up button.
He is redirected to verification page to enter the verification code coming to his e-mail.
He enters the verification the see the successful verification page.
He clicks sign-in button to be redirected to sign in page.
He sign in with his new account and redirected to home page.
Then he saw the post from another user and clicks show comments button for showing the comments from other users.
He added a comment under the post and annotate a impactful part for the user's disease.
Then he realizes his comment might be a little inappropriate for others so he deletes his comment.
After that, he clicks the user's profile page to send a message to them.
He sent a message to the user.
Then he comes to the homepage and click chat to see if his message was sent or not.
After him seeing the message was sent successfully, he searches for the messaged user for further information about him/her.
He clicks the user coming from search bar and sees her/him profile page.
Finally he decided to wait a message from the user and logout.