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Introduction to Version Control
Version control systems(VCS) help project contributors track the alterations made to the code and communicate with each other effectively, which makes it much easier to put new ideas into action while preserving the currently working code. There are two types of version control: centralized and distributed. The main distinction between them is that centralized VCSs keep the development history on a central server. That means everyone sharing the server also shares everyone’s work. On the other hand, on a distributed VCS, each collaborator has a local clone of the project's history. There isn’t a central entity responsible for the project's history, and each clone is a full backup of all the data. Git is a distributed type of version control system.
Git is free, distributed, and open-source software that was originally authored by Linus Torvalds in 2005. One of the striking aspects of Git that makes it differ from most other version control systems is the way it thinks of its data. Git basically takes "snapshots" of all the files and stores a reference to the snapshot every time collaborators commit. Git doesn't store the files that have not changed again for the sake of efficiency. It only stores a reference to the current identical file it has already stored. In this way, all the development history is more like a flow of snapshots from the perspective of Git.
GitHub is a hosting service site for Git. It provides a web interface to Git repositories and management tools while enabling efficient social coding. It comes with its own features along with the source code management functionality of Git. For instance, every repository on GitHub is equipped with a section for documentation, called wiki, to share detailed content about projects. With Wiki and many other features, GitHub is the most popular platform for the storage of development projects.
origin: a shorthand name for the remoterepository that a project was originally cloned from. More precisely, it is used instead of that original repository's URL - and thereby makes referencing much easier.