Berat Damar - bounswe/bounswe2022group4 GitHub Wiki

Berat Damar

Hello, I am Berat Damar and this is my personal wiki page for both CMPE352 and CMPE451 course. I'm a 4th-year computer engineering student at Bogazici University.I'm interested in operating systems, web development, blockchain and parallel processing. I enjoy programming in diverse languages to reate, debug and implement a wide varşety of software applications. I self- taught myself many skills and activly seek projects that requiere me to work outide my comfort zone. You can view my personal GitHub page.

Skills and Interests

  • Football
  • Basketball
  • Hip-Hop
  • Traveling
  • Python
  • C++
  • MySql
  • Javascript
  • Blockchain
  • React
  • CSS

Contact Information

  • GitHub
  • Mail
  • Linkedin

Weekly Contributions

Weekly Effort Tables
Week 1
Task Duration Type of Work Link(if any)
Attended lecture and lab in class 3h Lecture
Creating a new personal wiki page 2h Documentation Corresponding Issue
Reading all the requirements and making a list of suggestions to be discussed on Meeting 2h Documentation Corresponding Issue
Week 2
Task Duration Type of Work Link(if any)
Attended to the first meeting with the team 2 h Meeting Meeting 1
Attended lecture and lab in class 3h Lecture
Documenting suggestions and changing them after meeting decisions 2h Documentation Corresponding Issue
Researching about front-end development languages and frameworks 2h Research Corresponding Issue
Documenting research about React 1h Documentation Corresponding Issue
Taking and documenting meeting note for general meeting 2h Meeting and Documentation Corresponding Issue
Week 3
Task Duration Type of Work Link(if any)
Attended to the second meeting with the team 2 h Meeting Meeting 2
Attended to the second meeting with front-end team 2h Meeting Meeting 2
Attended lecture and lab in class 3h Lecture
Revision on Use Case Diagram 1h Design Corresponding Issue
Learning HTML and CSS before starting to learn React 5h Research Corresponding Issue
Learning Frontend Development with React 6h Research Corresponding Issue
Adding new tabs to the sidebar for Frontend , Backend and Mobile Team Meetings 30m Documentation Corresponding Issue
Week 4
Task Duration Type of Work Link(if any)
Attended to the third general meeting with the team 1h 30m Meeting Corresponding Issue
Attended to the third meeting with the front-end team 1h 30m Meeting Corresponding Issue
Taking and documenting meeting note for front-end team for Front-end Meeting 2 1h Meeting and Documentation Corresponding Issue
Frontend: Implementation of Login Page without backend connection 3h Implementation Corresponding Issue
Making backend connection of login screen 2h Implementation Corresponding Issue
Solving bug in Login Page (details in related issue) 1h 30m Bug Corresponding Issue
Documented my individual contribution report for the Milestone 1 1h 30m Documentation Corresponding Issue
Reviewing login and backend UI improvement #276 and #289 30m Review Corresponding PR and Corresponding PR
Reviewing a base for backend connection 30m Review Corresponding PR
Creating a base for project testing and implementing tests for login bage 1h 30min Implementation Corresponding Issue
Reviwing homePage test cases 20min Review Corresponding PR
Milestone 1: Evaluation of tools and processes used to manage team project 1h 30m Documentation Corresponding Issue
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