User scenarios and mockups for Android Milestone 3 - bounswe/bounswe2022group1 GitHub Wiki
Ömer has been using budemi for more than 3 weeks and enters into budemi again to discover new updates of the budemi.
Encounters with the following landing page
Then, clicks on the sign-in button and sees the following sign-in page
Then, clicks on "don't have an account? sign up" button to see whether there has been any changes made.
Then, comes back to the sign-in page and clicks on the forgot password to see there has been any changes made.
Then, comes back to the sign-in page and enters its credentials (username:quanex1), then sees the following home page
Then, clicks on search button to search "embedded systems"
Then, clicks on navigation bar and sees the following
Then, clicks on go to profile and sees the following
Then, clicks on edit profile and sees the following
Then, come backs to profile page and clicks on change password and sees the following
Then, clicks on navigation bar and clicks on engineering and sees the following
Then, clicks on "+" to add new learning space and fills it with the following and creates a new learning space
Then, clicks on embedded systems and sees the following
Then, clicks on leave and sees the following
Then, enrolls again and sees the following
Then, clicks on add resource and sees the following
Then, come backs to menu and clicks on member and sees the following
Then, come backs to menu and clicks on resources and sees the following
Then, clicks on EMBA security analyzer and sees the following
Then, swipes up the bottom layout and sees the following
Then, clicks on discussion and sees the following
Then, clicks on "say something" and sees the following
Then, clicks on send and sees the following
Then, clicks on notes and sees the following
Then, clicks on edit and sees the following (the note becomes editable)
Then, clicks on navigation bar, chooses sign-out and leaves the budemi.