Osman Fehmi Albayrak - bounswe/bounswe2022group1 GitHub Wiki

Hi, I'm Osman Fehmi Albayrak. I'm studying computer engineering at Bogazici University.

I play video games and listen music in my spare time.

Contact me

CMPE451 Weekly Assesments

Week 1
Task Duration Type Links
Reviewed and updated the Class Diagram. 2h Task Issue #290
Attended to the group meeting. Decided communication channels and meeting times. 1h Meeting Meeting #10
Week 2
Task Duration Type Links
Attended to the group meeting. We splitted into sub-groups and I joined the android team. 1h Meeting Meeting #11
Attended to the android group meeting. 4h Meeting Issue #315
Installed and prepared necessary techonologies and environments. 2h Task -
Week 3
Task Duration Type Links
Attended to the android group meeting. Planned what we are going to implement. 4h Meeting Issue #333
Implemented the landing page of the android app. 6h Task Issue #339
Week 4
Task Duration Type Links
Attended to the android group meeting. Planned what we are going to prepare until the Milestone 1. 4h Meeting Issue #356
Attended to the android group meeting. Discussed git functionalities. 1h Meeting Issue #357
Reviewed Ahmet's works 30m Review Issue #358
Initialized new kotlin project and refactored our working directory. 1h Task Issue #341
Made a pull request to merge master and reverted it since our branch is not compatible with master branch. 1h Task PR #337 and PR #338
Arranged and merged our budemi_android_main branch to master 1h Task PR #353
Week 5
Task Duration Type Links
Attended to the android group meeting. Tried to communicate with back-end. 6h Meeting Issue #385
Attended to the android group meeting. - Meeting Issue #386
Reviewed Ahmet's and Ömer's problem and the solution. 30m Review Issue #362
Implemented a swipe view compononent for android. 4h Task Issue #391
Integrated the swipe view compononent to the landing page of android. 2h Task Issue #393
Designed change password page. 1h Task Issue #422
Prepared the final state of the Project Plan. 1h Task Issue #441
Week 6
Task Duration Type Links
Attended to the android group meeting. Evaluated customer meeting 2h Meeting Issue #503
We decided to the Milestone 2 objectives 2h Meeting Issue #504
Week 7
Task Duration Type Links
Attended to the android group meeting. We shared works to be done. 2h Meeting Issue #516
Implemented the inital state of the sidebar 4h Task Issue #517
Implemented the learning space selection page 4h Task Issue #518
Week 8
Task Duration Type Links
Attended to the android group meeting. Reviewed each others work. 2h Meeting Issue #544
Week 9
Task Duration Type Links
Provided API call structure for android team with Omer 3h Task Issue #590
Implemented Change Password API connection 2h Task Issue #591
Implemented learning space categorization 3h Task Issue #607
Implemented learning space creation 3h Task Issue #608
Implemented password resetting 2h Task Issue #609
Organized our codebase for Milestone 2 1h Task Issue #616
Attended to a meeting with back-end 1h Meeting Issue #625
Implemented learning space search 3h Task Issue #628
Generated Android apk 1h Task Issue #629
Week 10
Task Duration Type Links
Preparing UI/UX Android for Milestone2 with Omer 2h Documentation Issue #643
Determining the objectives for the Milestone3 2h Meeting Issue #689
Reviewed Omer's new button design 15m Review Issue #690
Reviewed Omer's design improvements 30m Review Issue #692
Week 11
Task Duration Type Links
Reviewed Omer's Issue#694 10m Review Issue #694
Reviewed Omer's Issue#695 10m Review Issue #695
Improved android UI: Background, button, and text style changes 2h Task Issue #702
Reviewed Omer's Issue#706 10m Review Issue #706
Implemented a page for profile editing 2h Task Issue #709
Reviewed Omer's new profile page implementation 15m Review PR #704
Necessary API updates for the profile page determined and requested from teammates 1h Feature Request Issue #711
Necessary API updates for learning spaces determined and requested from teammates 1h Feature Request Issue #712
Reviewed Omer's Issue#713 10m Review Issue #713
Reviewed Omer's new profile page implementation 10m Review PR #714
Reviewed Omer's Issue#716 10m Review Issue #716
Reviewed Omer's new resource page implementation 10m Review PR #717
Reviewed Omer's Issue#721 10m Review Issue #721
Learning Space List page updated. 3h Task Issue #731
Android navigation bar updated 2h Task Issue #734
Reviewed Omer's Issue#736 10m Review Issue #736
Week 12
Task Duration Type Links
Reviewed Omer's new resource page implementation 10m Review PR #737
Reviewed Omer's Issue#738 10m Review Issue #738
Reviewed Omer's Issue#739 5m Review Issue #739
Reviewed Omer's Issue#740 5m Review Issue #740
Reviewed Omer's Issue#745 10m Review Issue #746
Reviewed Omer's UI/UX improvements 10m Review PR #746
Reviewed Omer's Issue#747 5m Review Issue #747
Reviewed Omer's Issue#752 10m Review Issue #752
Reviewed Omer's Issue#755 300m Review Issue #755
Reviewed Omer's photo upload implementation 10m Review PR #758
Reviewed Omer's Issue#762 5m Review Issue #762
Reviewed Omer's Issue#763 20m Review Issue #763
Reviewed Omer's Issue#764 15m Review Issue #764
Search bar moved to the home page 30m Task Issue #767
Favorite learning spaces added to the home page 2h Task Issue #772
Search View related Bug is fixed 30m Task Issue #773
Learning Space List: More information displayed 2h Task Issue #774
Reviewed Omer's Issue#776 20m Review Issue #776
Reviewed Omer's Issue#777 5m Review Issue #777
Favorite learning Spaces API connection is completed 1h Task Issue #778
Reviewed Omer's Issue#781 20m Review Issue #781
Reviewed Omer's Issue#782 20m Review Issue #782
Reviewed Omer's Note related API connections 10m Review PR #776
Resources of Fav. Learning Spaces are listed on the home page 3h Task Issue #793
Making the navigation bar accessible from all pages 2h Task Issue #795
Home Page Resource Owner Bug Fixed 2h Task Issue #799
Reviewed Omer's notes API connection 15m Review PR #803
Resource Update Bug fixed 1h Task Issue #805
Resource Notes GET Bug fixed 30m Task Issue #806
Editing Note Functionality implemented 30m Task Issue #807
Reviewed Omer's Issue#810 20m Review Issue #810
Reviewed Omer's up-down vote functionality 15m Review PR #809
Empty notes related Bug fixed 30m Task Issue #811
Profile page is implemented 2h Task Issue #841
Reviewed Omer's push to master branch 30m Review PR #843
Home page empty favorite learning spaces design 30m Task Issue #847
Learning space menu is favorite bug fix 30m Task Issue #865
Trying to implement W3C Annotations, but failed Too much time Task Issue #876
Creating mock data for the Milestone 3 2h Task Issue #924
Preparing Android UI/UX and Related Codes for The Final Milestone 2h Task Issue #956

CMPE352 Weekly Assesments

Week 1
Task Duration Type
Created my personal wiki page. 20m Documentation
Searched for my favorite GitHub repository. 1h Research
Added my favorite GitHub repository to Favorite GitHub Repositories. 45h Task
Week 2
Task Duration Type
Attended weekly meeting. Discussion about issues and the new project. 2h Meeting
I checked the project description. 1h Research
Research over similar projects. 2h Research
I studied git basics from A Brief Information about Git. 2h Research
Week 3
Task Duration Type
Attended weekly meeting. Discussion about scenarios and mockups. 1.40h Meeting
Research over fundamentals of scenarios and mockups. 2h Research
Prepared teacher scenario and mockup with my team members. 4h Task
Research over W3C GeoInfo. 2h Research
Prepared a page about W3C GeoInfo to inform others too. 2h Task
Week 4
Task Duration Type
Research over class diagrams. 2h Research
Research over use case diagrams. 2h Research
Research over use sequence diagrams. 2h Research
Week 5
Task Duration Type
Attended P.S. and discussed with my team members. 1.50h Meeting
Attended meeting on Class Diagram, and prepared. 3h Meeting, Task
Attended meeting on Use Case Diagram, and prepared. 2h Meeting, Task
Research over use sequence diagrams. 2h Research
Week 6
Task Duration Type
Attended P.S. meeting. 1.40h Meeting
Prepared Sequence Diagram for "Sign up". 2h Task
Wrote my summary of work done part of Milestone1 Report 1.30h Documentation
Prepared Project Plan for Milestone 1 with some of my team members. 5h Task
Introduced Project Repository for Milestone 1 with my team member. 2h Documentation
Week 7
Task Duration Type
Attended P.S. meeting. 2h Meeting
Research over git usage. 2h Research
Week 8
Task Duration Type
Attended P.S. meeting. 2h Meeting
Attended weekly meeting. Discussion about tools for the practiceapp. 2h Meeting
I checked the project description. 1h Task
Research over similar projects. 2h Research
Week 9
Spring break.
Week 10
Task Duration Type
Learned django framework 4h Task
Student my courses page implemented for the practiceapp 15h Task
Week 11
Task Duration Type
Prepared Project Plan for Milestone 2 with some of my team members. 5h Task
Bug fixes on practiceapp 2h Task
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