Mustafa Atay - bounswe/bounswe2022group1 GitHub Wiki

Hi, I am a 3rd degree Computer Engineering Student in Boğaziçi University. I like coding, dancing and chit chatting.


  • React.js
  • Python
  • C++
  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • CSS


  • Software
  • Web developement
  • Design

Contact Information

CmpE 352 Weekly Work

Extend to see the content
Week 1
Task Duration Type
Attended to our first meeting on Zoom. 2h Meeting
Created this personal Wiki page. 30m Documentation
Researched and added a new git page to Favorite Github Repositories. 30m Research
Helped customizing general Wiki page. 30m Documentation
Have a role arranging meeting time of the team. 15m Discussion
Watched "Git For Ages 4 And Up" video. 2h Research
Week 2
Task Duration Type
Attended the weekly meeting on Zoom. 2h Meeting
Created "Fundametal Features" page. 3h Documentation
Added questions to this group document. 2h Brainstorming
Decided a meeting date with Ömer Özdemir. 15m Meeting
Week 3
Task Duration Type
Attended the weekly meeting on Zoom. Discussed the weekly topic and got tasks. 1.40h Meeting
Researched GDPR Rules and added to GDPR Rules Page. 3h Research, Documentation
Updated member user scenerio and mockup 1.5h Brainstorming, Documentation
Created illustrations of member user scenerio on Canva 3h Design
Studied about mockups and scenerios 1h Research
Created searching part of system requirements 1h Reserach
Created W3C Standards page and linked it. 15m Documentation
Week 4
Task Duration Type
Attended PS meeting 1.40h Meeting
Initialized diagram pages and linked them #83 15min Documentation
Studied class diagrams from this tutorial 1h Research
Week 5
Task Duration Type
Attended PS meeting 1.40h Meeting
Made a research about chart drawing applications and created a template for class diagram using Lucidchart (#88) 30min Research
Created a simple template for class diagram to bootstrap our discussion (#86) 1h Brainstorming
Attended a meeting with peers, discussed and created class diagram on 05.03.2022 4h Meeting
Studied use case diagrams from this tutorial 1h Research
Attended a meeting with peers, discussed and created use case diagram on 06.03.2022 4.5h Meeting
Reviewed some issues of my peers, fixed some minor mistakes 30min Review
Week 6
Task Duration Type
Attended PS meeting 1.40h Meeting
Created Sequence Diagram for "Searching Courses" (#137) 2h Task
Created title page of Milestone1 Report (#138) 1h Documentation
Made a meeting with @ecesrkn and prepared responsibility assignment matrix (RAM) (#141) 3h Meeting, Task
Wrote my summary of work done part of Milestone1 Report (#144) 1h Documentation
Week 7
Task Duration Type
Attended PS meeting 1h Meeting
Studied Django 3h Study
Week 8
Task Duration Type
Attended PS meeting 2h Meeting
Attended group meeting and created a TODO list for practice app 2h Meeting
Studied more about Django 1h Study
Week 9
Spring break.
Week 10
Task Duration Type
Created code base for practice app 6h Coding
Attended group meetings to show how to use code base 2h Meeting
Week 11
Task Duration Type
Improved login, sign up pages of practice app 3h Coding
Created unittests for those pages 2h Coding
Prepared Milestone 2 individual report 2h Documentation
Helped creating Milestone 2 group report 3h Documentation

CmpE 451 Weekly Work

Week 1
Task Duration Type
Attended the weekly meeting 1h Meeting
Reviewed fundamental features page #304 1h Documentation
Week 2
Task Duration Type
Attended the weekly meeting 1h Meeting
Followed Django tutorial #329 3h Learning
Opened Udemy account and added 2 courses to it for the team #328 20min Task
Week 3
Task Duration Type
Attended the weekly meeting 1h Meeting
Studied docker #347 3h Learning
Opened Udemy account and added 2 courses to it for the team #328 20min Task
Organized folder structure of the repo #352 20min Task
Created gitignore and pushed the project #354 20min Task
Week 4
Task Duration Type
Attended the weekly meeting 1h Meeting
Created .env file for backend #355 2h Task
Week 5
Task Duration Type
Attended the weekly meeting 1h Meeting
Prepared individual contribution report #404 2h Task
Added Django and Docker to evaluation of tools section #486 2h Task
Prepared project plan #459 2h Task
Prepared API doc and linked it to wiki #403 2h Documentation
Prepared individual contribution to group report #487 1h Task
Week 6
Task Duration Type
Attended the weekly meeting 1h Meeting
Solved a backend error: "module not found: knox" #506 1h Task
Created/updated models and serializers for learning space #507 4h Task
Week 7
Task Duration Type
Attended the weekly meeting 1h Meeting
Coded edit content API #533 5h Task
Solved an issue about not being able to logout #531 1h Task
Week 8
Task Duration Type
Attended the weekly meeting 1h Meeting
Worked on a bug preventing running tests #539 1h Task
Implemented image upload functionality in Django #546 5h Task
Week 9
Task Duration Type
Attended the weekly meeting 1h Meeting
Updated API Documentation #595 1h Task
Wrote unittests #534 4h Task
Week 10
Task Duration Type
Attended the weekly meeting 1h Meeting
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