Meeting 3 - bounswe/bounswe2022group1 GitHub Wiki
This is draft of the first brainstorming about the scenarios. Scenarios-
- Login Page The next page will be determined by the login(student or teacher or admin(hard to implement) or guest)
View from a Student:
- (can be an experienced user or a rookie)
- Looks courses, takes one of them, and looks the content of the course.
- (1)(rookie user)Login->main page->courses->course page(takes)->content
View from a Lecturer:
- (2)Homepage->sidebar(my courses)->statistics of my courses(rating,views,liked,disliked),
View from a Guest:
- (3) Homepage->searches a tag->result page->course page(limited content)->redirection to sign-up page
- able to look course contents(little)
- (sign-up page -> A Page contains just Email(page)-> Another page contains (name,surname,birthdate,country,password)
- All Notifications
- [LOGO - title]
- [Search]
- Profile(Personal Informations,Photo,email,phone,Followers,Following)
- Progress**
- My Courses
- Saved(liked pdf's)
- Settings(delete account,public/private,notification,privacy,help,FAQ?)
- Logout
- pass
Semantic Search: Ömer, Ege
GDPR Rules : Mustafa, Efekan
KVKK Rules : Kadir, HarunErkurt
W3C Web A.D.M : Ahmet, Ece
W3C Standarts : Kamil, Mustafa
W3C Genoinfo : Osman, Elif