Meeting #10 - bounswe/bounswe2022group1 GitHub Wiki

Date and time: 04/10/2022 04.00PM

  • Location: BM B4
  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Topic/Reason of Meeting : Kickoff Week Meeting


  • Harun ERKURT
  • Ege Onur TAĞA
  • Ece SARKIN
  • Ahmet YAZICI
  • Mustafa ATAY
  • Kadir Gökhan SEZER
  • Ömer ÖZDEMİR
  • Osman Fehmi ALBAYRAK
  • Ahmet YAZICI
  • Kadir KALKAN


  1. Distributing the diagrams, requirements, mockups, and all other pages on our wiki among the team members, for them to review and update if needed.


  • Everyone should review the pages assigned to them.
  • Communication plan should be updated.
  • Everyone should update their personal wiki pages.
  • A new issue template should be created and used for future issues.

Action Items:

Id To Whom Task Deadline
1 Ece Sarkın Uploading meeting notes of this meeting 11/10/2022 3.00 PM
2 Everyone Updating Personal Pages 09/10/2022 11.59 PM
3 Kadir Kalkan Revising Project Briefing Page 09/10/2022 11.59 PM
4 Ege Onur Tağa Revising the glossary and the requirements 09/10/2022 11.59 PM
5 Mustafa Atay, Ömer Özdemir Revising Fundamental Features 09/10/2022 11.59 PM
6 Ege Onur Tağa, Ömer Özdemir Revising semantic search page 09/10/2022 11.59 PM
7 Kadir Gökhan Sezer Revising GDPR Rules page 09/10/2022 11.59 PM
8 Kadir Gökhan Sezer Revising KVKK Rules page 09/10/2022 11.59 PM
9 Ahmet Yazıcı, Ece Sarkın Revising W3C Web Annotation Data Model page 09/10/2022 11.59 PM
10 Harun Erkurt Revising W3C Standards page 09/10/2022 11.59 PM
11 Hüseyin Seyyid Kaplan Revising W3C Geoinfo page 09/10/2022 11.59 PM
12 Osman Fehmi Albayrak, Kadir Kalkan Revising Class Diagram 09/10/2022 11.59 PM
13 Ahmet Yazıcı Revising Sequence Diagrams 09/10/2022 11.59 PM
14 Ece Sarkın Revising the Use Case Diagram 09/10/2022 11.59 PM
15 Kadir Kalkan Revising Mockups 09/10/2022 11.59 PM
16 Ahmet Yazıcı, Ömer Özdemir, Osman Fehmi Albayrak, Kadir Kalkan Revising Porject Libre File 09/10/2022 11.59 PM
17 Kadir Gökhan Sezer Updating the Communication Plan 09/10/2022 11.59 PM
18 Kadir Gökhan Sezer Updating the Homepage 09/10/2022 11.59 PM
19 Kadir Kalkan Creating an issue template 09/10/2022 11.59 PM