Guest Web Scenario and Mockup - bounswe/bounswe2022group1 GitHub Wiki

Guest Web Scenario and Mockup



1- Guest User ( Brad Pitt )

2- Brad Pitt is a freshman Computer Engineering student that wants to learn web programming a little to get a headstart on school curriculum.

3- He is 19 years old

4- He likes computer games and partying

5- He is interested in becoming a really good engineer some day.


He heard that some of his friends are coding. Then, His friends suggest a website to him where he enjoyed learning python. Then, when he goes to home, he enters the website and starts to discover it.


1- User should not be registered in to website or app.

2- User can not enroll in a class without being registered.

3- User can view the classes and their feedbacks before being registered in.

4- There should be at least one python programming course


1- Brad wants to enroll in a class that website provides.

2- Brad wants a good teacher to start with.

3- Brad wants to browse available python courses

Acceptance Criteria Guest users should be able to sign-up Guest users should be able to sign-in Guest users should give the following information about themselves to create an account at the website



Confirm Password

E-mail address Guest user’s e-mail address and username should not be taken by another account beforehand. Guest users should be able to search for courses on the website - Guest user shall be able to see title and brief contents of a course. When guest user signs up, it automatically signs-in with the information given at sign-up step.


  1. He enters the website

  2. He is not registered

  3. He clickes on "courses". landing page

  4. He Searchs for a python class. In order to do this writes "Python" to the searchbar and clicks on search icon. courses

  5. Likes "Python For Beginners" course and clicks on it for further information about the course. search

  6. Reads further information about "Python For Beginners" course. Decides to enroll it. Clicks on the "Sign up to Enroll" button. course page

  7. Fills the form to sign up. Clicks "Sign Up" button. sign up

  8. The webpage shows an error saying "This user name is being used". Therefore, he tries another username and clicks "Sign Up" button again. error

  9. An info message is shown saying "Succesfully Signed Up". The guest user automatically signs-in and is redirected to the course page. Guest