Elif Nur Akalın - bounswe/bounswe2022group1 GitHub Wiki

Hello, I'm Elif Akalın. I'm a Computer Engineering student in Boğaziçi University. This is my personal page for CMPE 352.

I'm a part time tutor in Hub21 where I give coding lessons in English on Scratch and Unity to children aging between 7-11. I have internship experience in iOS app development, frontend and backend development. In addition, I'm interested in game development.

I'm into sailing and running. In my free time, I play video games, explore some new music and try to improve my electric guitar skills.

issues opened by me


CMPE 352 Weekly Work

Week 1
Task Duration Type
Attended our first meeting. Provided my knowledge based on my experience with this course last year. 2h Meeting
Edited this personal page, added personal information. 30m Documentation
Researched for Github repositories. 1h Research
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