Efekan Kavalci - bounswe/bounswe2022group1 GitHub Wiki

About me

Hello, I am Efekan Kavalci. I am a senior chemical engineering student who is minoring in computer engineering, at Boğaziçi University. This is my personal page. My motivation for doing a minor in CmpE is to apply machine learning techniques to chemical engineering related topics. I took the machine learning course CmpE462 last year, and did a sentiment analysis project about IMDb movie reviews. I use Python, C++ and MATLAB for my projects.


Weekly Work

Week 1
Task Duration Type
First online meeting with the group 2h Meeting
Label research 30min Research
Research about git & github 45min Research
Personal page creation 15min Infrastructure
Week 2
Task Duration Type
Online meeting with the group 2h Meeting
Project review & writing requirement elicitation questions 1h Research
Research about the terms in the project 45min Research
Week 3
Task Duration Type
Initial requirements list meeting 2.5h Meeting
Requirement writing 1h Documentation
Research about GDPR 1h Research
Studying course slides 1h Study
  • Details: I have attended to the meeting at which we decided the outline of the initial requirements. I have written requirements for 3 subsections. I also continued the GDPR search a little bit more and looked for large cases of GDPR violations; I added three of the cases.
Week 4
Task Duration Type
Group Meeting in P.S. 1.5h Meeting
Requirement writing 1h Documentation
Week 5
Task Duration Type
Group Meeting for Class Diagram 4h Meeting
Forming Template and Base Use Cases for Use Case Diagram for Group Meeting 1h Documentation
UML Research 3h Research
Group Meeting for Use Case Diagram 3h Meeting
Reviewing of Use Case Diagram Sections 30min Review
  • I attended to the meeting for the creation of class diagram, I participated to the discussions and made additions/editing in the collaborative document. I watched several videos regarding UML on Youtube, especially the videos from the LucidChart's own channel. For the use case diagram I formed a template beforehand to initialize the discussion on the meeting for Use Case Diagram, there is a picture of the template below.
Week 6
Task Duration Type
Group Meeting in P.S. 45min Meeting
Sequence Diagram Preparation & Related Modifications in UML 3h Documentation
Group Meeting for Milestone 1 1h Meeting
Adding UML Documents to the M1 report and Wiki Page 1h Documentation
Week 7
Task Duration Type
Participation to P.S. about Git 2h Meeting
Research about Git 2h Research
Week 8
Task Duration Type
Installing and trying git 2h Preparation
Resarch about APIs 2h Research
Week 9

Spring Break

Week 10
Task Duration Type
Django research 5h Preparation
Resarch about APIs 2h Research
Week 11
Task Duration Type
Practice App - Milestone
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